Duration (Term Limits)
The Graduate School
Duration (Term Limits)
Assistantships for master’s degree students will be limited to a maximum duration of two years and assistantships/fellowships for doctoral degree students will be limited to a maximum duration of four years. Master’s degree students who have held assistantships for two years and doctoral students who have held assistantships for four years will not be eligible for assistantships or fellowships. Department chairs are expected to monitor and enforce these limits. Department chairs who select recommend, or award assistant- ships/fellowships to students who are in violation of this policy will automatically lose those assistantships/fellowships.
Withdrawal of Assistantships, Fellowships or Scholarships
A graduate assistantship, fellowship or scholarship will be withdrawn from a student at any time, without any warning or notice, if any of the following occurs
Student fails to maintain a semester or cumulative GPA of 3.0
Student fails to maintain a full-time course load (nine semester hours in the Fall and Spring semesters, and six semester hours if enrolled in the Maymester and/or Summer terms. A student who violates this policy will be disqualified from awards ins subsequent semesters
Student does not perform work assignments satisfactorily
Student fails to make satisfactory academic progress toward their chosen graduate degree
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Office of Graduate and Professional Studies • Southern University and A&M College • T. H. Harris Hall, Suite 1055 |
(225) 771-5390 • gradschool@subr.edu |