Department of Electronics Engineering Technology
Electronics Engineering Technology
Program Overview
The Electronics Engineering Technology (EET) Program is housed in the Department of Electrical Engineering. It offers a four-year program leading to a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electronics Engineering Technology. The program stresses "hands-on" approach to engineering by offering a large number of laboratory courses, and by placing emphasis on practical applications of engineering science rather than upon the comprehensive understanding of the scientific theories. The program combines course work and coordinated laboratory work so that graduates will be performing a variety of technical tasks. The flexibility of the program, as depicted in the elective concentration, are intended to meet the needs of students whose future interests may lie in the pursuit of various career options in the industry as Electronics Engineering Technologists, or graduate studies in engineering technology, engineering, and related areas. There are a total of 126 credit hours in the EET Curriculum. The EET program is the oldest program in college of engineering at our institution.
The program offers a well-balanced program in electronics engineering technology with emphasis in circuit analysis, electronic devices, electronic communications, digital signal/data processing, computer technology, computer networking, and control systems. Course offerings are aimed at providing a good education for students who will seek employment in engineering technology areas or in related fields. Applications of modern techniques using computers and/or laboratory equipment are encouraged in EET courses.
The program utilizes a number of instructional laboratories that are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, instrumentation, and computing facilities. The program has one laboratory technician, and one secretary. Instructional and applied research activities are encouraged and some EET faculty have been engaged in research projects funded in the past five years through grants from government agencies, and industry.
The electronics engineering technology program is accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission (ETAC) of ABET,