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Southern University and A&M College
P.O. Box 11776 Baton Rouge, LA 70813
Dr. Diola Bagayoko, Director
Voice: (504) 771-2730 Fax: (504) 771-4341

The Timbuktu Academy is named after the former University of Timbuktu, a bastion of scholarship in the middle of this millennium. The city of Timbuktu, in Mali, West Africa, is located on the banks of the majestic Niger river. Southern University and A&M College, Baton Rouge, is likewise located on the banks of the mighty Mississippi.

The Timbuktu Academy is a recruitment, holistic mentoring, and research participation program for students from middle school to graduate school.

The sub-programs of the Academy are:

  • Summer Science Institute for sixty(60) middle school students(SSI-M). (3 week, non-residential, academic program)
  • Summer Enrichment Program for twenty(20) ninth graders (SETA). (3 week, non-residential, academic program)
  • Summer Science Institute for twenty(20) Eleventh graders (SSI). (6 week, residential, academic program)
  • Challenge 2000 for twenty(20) high school students. (6 week, residential, academic program)
  • Summer Bridge Institute (SBI), an early college enrollment program for high achieving high school graduates. (College program)
  • Undergraduate Research Program (URP) for fifty(50) Physics, Chemistry and Engineering majors. (College program)
  • LA. Board of Regents Superior Graduate Fellowship program (SGFP)
  • Educational Services Program (ESP).

The Objectives of the Timbuktu Academy are:

  • to produce first-class scientists and engineers who pursue Ph.D degrees;
  • to produce, organize, and disseminate knowledge through research, publications, and presentations; and
  • to render professional services to the educational, corporate, and other communities.

For applications, please write, fax, or e-mail a request to theTimbuktu Academy. You could also call. Deadline for summer programs: February 25.

The Timbuktu Academy is funded by the Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research (ONR), NASA, NIST, and the Louisiana Alliance for Minority Participation (LAMP). LAMP is funded by the National Science Foundation and Louisiana Board of Regents.

**The Paradigm of the Timbuktu Academy, as explained on our Website, provides a rigorous scientific basis for its holistic mentoring and research participation activities.


"Practice partly begets and certainly enhances ability." 

Designed By 
Timbuktu Academy Scholars