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Dr. Laurence L. Henry




Professor, Chair and Program Leader


Department of Physics, Rm. 111 D, James Hall, Southern University and A&M College, Baton Rouge, LA 70813


225-771-4490 Ext. 34 & 35




 Electron Transport and Magnetic Properties of Materials Laboratory

Advisor:  Southern University Amateur Radio Club (SUARC)


(A) Professional Preparation:

Andrews University


B.Sc (May 1971)

Northern Illinois University


M.Sc. (Aug. 1978)



Ph.D. (Dec. 1991)

Continuing Education Courses

Analog Electronics

ARRL Continuing Education Program (2009)

Digital Electronics

ARRL Continuing Education Program (2009)

Radio Frequency Propagation

ARRL Continuing Education Program (2009)

(B) Professional Appointments:



Southern University and A&M College


Visit. Assoc. Professor

James Frank Institute, The University of Chicago


Adjunct Professor

Addis Ababa University Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Associate Professor

Southern University and A&M College


Assistant Professor

Southern University and A&M College


Postdoc. Res. and Teach.

Michigan State University


Visit. Assist. Prof.

Western Michigan University


Grad. Teach./Res. Assist.

Wayne State University


Grad. Teach. Assist

Northern Illinois University


Visiting Instructor

Kishwaukee College


Secondary & elementary school teaching

Michigan, Massachusetts, Illinois

(C) Partial List of Publications:

  1. Charge transport in cobalt doped iron pyrite. S. Guo, D. P. Young, R. T. Macaluso, et al. Accepted in PRB (2010) BM11229. (2010).
  2. Magnetic and thermodynamic properties of cobalt-doped iron pyrite: Griffiths phase in a magnetic semiconductor. S. Guo, D. P. Young, R. T. Macaluso, D.A. Browne, N.L. Henderson, J.Y. Chan, L.L. Henry, and J.F. DiTusa. Accepted PRB (2010) BM11154. (2010).
  3. Stable amorphous cobalt nanoparticles formed by an in situ rapidly cooling microfluidic process. Song Y, Henry L. L, Yang W. Langmuir. 2009, Sep 1;25(17):10209-17.. (2009).
  4. A new role for surfactants in the formation of cobalt nanoparticles. Rohini M de Silva.; Palshin,Vadim; Nalin de Silva, K. M.; Henry, Laurence L.; Kumar, Challa S. S. R.. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 18(7), 738-747, 2008. (2008).
  5. Discovery of Griffiths phase in itinerant magnetic semiconductor Fe1-xCoxS2. S. Guo,1 D.P. Young, R.T. Macaluso, D.A. Browne, N.L. Henderson, J.Y. Chan, L.L. Henry, and J.F. DiTusa. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 017209. (2008).
  6. Wet and dry synthesis of, and magnetization and resistance measurements on Ba2EuZrO5.5.A. Harvey, Jr. & L. L. Henry. SMART HBCU-UP Findings, An Undergraduate STEM Research Journal, Vol 1, Issue 1. 31 2007. (2007).
  7. Magnetoresistance and Annealing Behaviors of Particulate Co-Au Nanocomposites. Zhanhu Guo, Monica Moldovan, David P. Young, Laurence L. Henry, and Elizabeth J. Podlaha. Electrochem. Solid-State Lett., Volume 10, Issue 12, pp. E31-E35. (2007).
  8. An examination of Co and Fe core nanoparticles with a protecting shell, Guo, Z., Henry, L.L., Podlaha, E.J. ECS Transactions 1 (12), pp. 63-69. (2006).
  9. Microfluidic synthesis of cobalt nanoparticles. Song, Y., Modrow, H., Henry, L.L., Saw, C.K., Doomes, E.E., Palshin, V., Hormes, J., Kumar, C.S.S.R. Chemistry of Materials 18 (12), pp. 2817-2827. (2006).
  10. Specific heat of aligned multiwalled carbon nanotubes. C Masarapu, L. L.Henry, and Binqing Wei. J. Nanotechnology 16, 1490-1494. (2005).
  11. Displacement Synthesis of Cu Shells Surrounding Co Nanoparticles. Zhanhu Guo, Challa S. S. R. Kumar, Laurence L. Henry, E. E. Doomes, Josef Hormes, and Elizabeth J.Podlaha-Murphy. J. Electrochemical Society, 151, (1) 1-0. (2005).
  12. Self-Assembly of Highly Epitaxial (La,Sr)MnO3 Nanorods on (001) LaAlO3. Jiechao Jiang, Laurence L. Henry, K. I. Gnanasekar and Chonglin Chen, Efstathios I. Meletis. Nano Letters Vol. 24 No. 4, 741-745. (2004).
  13. Superconducting properties of BeB2.75. D. P. Young, R. G. Goodrich, P. W. Adams, Julia Chan. Frank R. Fronczek, F. Drymiotis and L. L. Henry. Physical Reviews B 65, 180518(R). (2002).

(D) Partial List of Synergistic Activities:

  • Developed the new Electronics for Scientists course, PHYS 262 
  • In collaboration with Dr. G. Stacy coordinate the NASA sponsored student PACER-LaACES balloon program at Southern University  
  • Participate in several community activities (assist with communications for Tour de Cure sponsored by the American Diabetes Association, and other local community activities) 
  • For several years volunteered as a host, in the summers, for international students for NACEL OPEN DOOR Inc. which is an international exchange student program organization.  
  • Extra class amateur radio license class operator. Volunteer Examiner accredited by American Radio Relay League (ARRL). 
  • Developed the Southern University Amateur Radio Club, call sign KD5ZUP which is a student organization at Southern University and A&M College.  
  • Participated in presentations describing innovative and reform based education courses at the Conference on Teaching in Higher Education (THE) held at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. April 20, 1998. 
  • Developed the Electron Transport and Magnetic Properties of Materials laboratory, for carrying out research on solid-state physics/materials research involving materials synthesis using chemical techniques and characterization using magnetic, electron transport measurement techniques. He has collaborated on a number of research projects with researchers at Louisiana State University and the Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices (CAMD) to study the properties of materials including, ferro-metallic nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes. 
  • Developed an innovative research oriented laboratory course on materials characterization using magnetic, I-V, and heat capacity determinations. He also developed the textbook for that course.  
  • Directed the thesis research for five (5) graduate students at SUBR who have successfully completed the MS (in physics) degree requirements and graduated. He has assisted four (4) Ph.D and MS degree students from LSU in carrying out their graduate degree research projects using his research facilities. He was also the thesis research advisor for an additional SUBR physics student who transferred into a PhD program at another institution before completing her MS degree requirements at Southern University. 
  • During August 1999 one of the graduate students Mr. Jeremy Jackson was sent by Dr. Henry to spend some time participating in research activities with the research group headed by Professors Jack Bass, Peter Schroeder and W. P. Pratt, Jr., in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Michigan State University.

(E) Research Collaborations:

-Undergraduate student research directing and supervising at SUBR: Edrick Preddie, Vivian Darlington, Leslie Sanford, Shelli Pace, Alex Harvey, Jr 

-Graduate Student at SUBR MS Degree thesis advising: LaShondria Dixon, E. Patterson, J. J. Jackson, Philip Jones, Watasha Wade, Karla R. Horton

-Collaborations (Faculty) at SUBR: Edwin Walker, Ph.D, Department of Chemistry; Guang L. Zhao, Ph.D, Department of Physics; Patrick Mensah, Ph.D, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Pradeep Bhattacharya, Ph.D, Department of Electrical Engineering; Stephen C McGuire, Ph.D, Department of Physics

-Collaborations (Grad students at LSU) Z. Guo, Ph.D, Department of Chemical Engineering; C. Masarupa, MS, Department of Electrical Engineering; P. David, MS, Department of Mechanical Engineering; R. Macalouso, Ph.D, Department of Chemistry; 

-Collaborations (Faculty and researchers) at LSU and/or CAMD: Y. Song, Ph.D; C. S. S. R. Kumar, Ph.D and researchers in his group; Bingqing Wei, Ph.D, Department of Electrical Engineering; Jiechao Jiang, Ph.D, Materials Characterization Center (MCC), Department of Mechanical Engineering; Elizabeth Podlaha-Murphy, Ph.D, Department of Chemical Engineering; Stathis Melitis, Ph.D, Department of Mechanical Engineering; R. G. Goodrich, Department of Physics and Astronomy; John Ditusa, Ph.D, Department of Physics and Astronomy; 

-International Collaborations (Faculty and researchers) Tesema Genene, Ph.D; Mulugeta Bekele, Ph.D, Immanuel Gananasekar, Ph.D.

Graduate and Post-Doctoral Advisors: L. E Wenger (Wayne State Univ.), Jack Bass, Peter Schroeder and W. P. Pratt, Jr. (Michigan State Univ.)

MS Degree thesis under Dr. L. L. Henry’s direction

  • An Investigation of the Current In Plane (CIP) Magnetoresistance of Sputtered [(Co + 10%Cu)/Cu]N Multilayers. MS degree thesis (Mr. Jeremy J. Jackson, Department of Physics, Southern University and A&M College. MS degree awarded July 2000). 
  • Calorimetric Investigation of a Polycrystalline Ceramic Oxide Sample in the Temperature Range, 2K ≤ T ≤ 300K. MS degree thesis (Mr. Philip S. Jones, Department of Physics, Southern University and A&M College. MS degree awarded May 2003).
  • Low temperature (2-20 K) heat capacity determinations of a polycrystalline ZrO based material containing Ca and Eu. MS degree thesis (Ms. Watasha Wade, Department of Physics, Southern University and A&M College. MS degree awarded December 2003).
  • Investigation of the magnetic properties of noble metal encapsulated, cobalt nanoparticles. MS degree thesis (Ms. Karla Horton, Department of Physics, Southern University and A&M College. scheduled for completion Dec. 2004) This student did not complete the MS degree at SU because she transferred to a PhD program at another institution before completing her MS degree at SU

MS Degree thesis committees that Dr. L. L. Henry’s has served on

  • Growth and Properties of PMN-PT single Crystal. Xin Jiang (Department of Physics, Southern University and A&M College. Thesis completed September 2000)
  • Self Actuated Thermal Switch. Mr. Solomon Abdi, (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Southern University and A&M College, MS degree awarded Dec 2003)

Additional thesis research advisement by Dr. L. L. Henry (These students are from collaborating research groups at Louisiana State University)
The following are graduate students who completed the PhD Degree at Louisiana State University and carried out a portion of their research using equipment in Dr. Henry’s research laboratory at SU. The students consulted with Dr. Henry regarding the measurement techniques and interpretation of the collected data. In addition, Dr. Henry was involved with the preparation of the manuscripts by the students for submission for publication.
Zhanua Guo, PhD, (Department of Chemical Engineering LSU, presently on the faculty of Baylor University, Beaumont, TX), Yujun Song, Ph.D, (Department of Chemical EngineeringLSU, presently on the faculty of Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China), Charan Masarapu, (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering LSU).

Student Placement:

During August 1999 one of the graduate students Mr. Jeremy Jackson was sent by Dr. Henry to spend some time participating in research activities with the research group headed by Professors Jack Bass, Peter Schroeder and W. P. Pratt, Jr., in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Michigan State University.



Physics Publications:

  1. Charge transport in cobalt doped iron pyrite. S. Guo, D. P. Young, R. T. Macaluso, et al. Accepted in PRB (2010) BM11229. (2010).
  2. Magnetic and thermodynamic properties of cobalt-doped iron pyrite: Griffiths phase in a magnetic semiconductor. S. Guo, D. P. Young, R. T. Macaluso, D.A. Browne, N.L. Henderson, J.Y. Chan, L.L. Henry, and J.F. DiTusa. Accepted PRB (2010) BM11154. (2010).
  3. Stable amorphous cobalt nanoparticles formed by an in situ rapidly cooling microfluidic process. Song Y, Henry L. L, Yang W. Langmuir. 2009, Sep 1;25(17):10209-17.. (2009).
  4. A new role for surfactants in the formation of cobalt nanoparticles. Rohini M de Silva.; Palshin,Vadim; Nalin de Silva, K. M.; Henry, Laurence L.; Kumar, Challa S. S. R.. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 18(7), 738-747, 2008.. (2008).
  5. Discovery of Griffiths phase in itinerant magnetic semiconductor Fe1-xCoxS2. S. Guo,1 D.P. Young, R.T. Macaluso, D.A. Browne, N.L. Henderson, J.Y. Chan, L.L. Henry, and J.F. DiTusa. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 017209. (2008).
  6. Wet and dry synthesis of, and magnetization and resistance measurements on Ba2EuZrO5.5.A. Harvey, Jr. & L. L. Henry. SMART HBCU-UP Findings, An Undergraduate STEM Research Journal, Vol 1, Issue 1. 31 2007.. (2007).
  7. Magnetoresistance and Annealing Behaviors of Particulate Co-Au Nanocomposites. Zhanhu Guo, Monica Moldovan, David P. Young, Laurence L. Henry, and Elizabeth J. Podlaha. Electrochem. Solid-State Lett., Volume 10, Issue 12, pp. E31-E35. (2007).
  8. An examination of Co and Fe core nanoparticles with a protecting shell, Guo, Z., Henry, L.L., Podlaha, E.J. ECS Transactions 1 (12), pp. 63-69. (2006).
  9. Microfluidic synthesis of cobalt nanoparticles. Song, Y., Modrow, H., Henry, L.L., Saw, C.K., Doomes, E.E., Palshin, V., Hormes, J., Kumar, C.S.S.R. Chemistry of Materials 18 (12), pp. 2817-2827. (2006).
  10. Specific heat of aligned multiwalled carbon nanotubes. C Masarapu, L. L.Henry, and Binqing Wei. J. Nanotechnology 16, 1490-1494. (2005).
  11. Displacement Synthesis of Cu Shells Surrounding Co Nanoparticles. Zhanhu Guo, Challa S. S. R. Kumar, Laurence L. Henry, E. E. Doomes, Josef Hormes, and Elizabeth J.Podlaha-Murphy. J. Electrochemical Society, 151, (1) 1-0. (2005).
  12. Self-Assembly of Highly Epitaxial (La,Sr)MnO3 Nanorods on (001) LaAlO3. Jiechao Jiang, Laurence L. Henry, K. I. Gnanasekar and Chonglin Chen, Efstathios I. Meletis. Nano Letters Vol. 24 No. 4, 741-745. (2004).
  13. Superconducting properties of BeB2.75. D. P. Young, R. G. Goodrich, P. W. Adams, Julia Chan. Frank R. Fronczek, F. Drymiotis and L. L. Henry. Physical Reviews B 65, 180518(R). (2002).

Educational Publications:

  1. Introduction To Materials Characterization (Magnetization, I-V, and Heat Capacity Techniques), Laurence L. Henry, XanEdu Original Works - a division of ProQuest Education, Ann Arbor, MI, 2003. ISBN 1-59399-062-6). (2003).


Other Publications:

  1. OMIK and HBCUs. Larry Henry, PhD, N8JTC. A Presentation to the OMIK Amateur Radio Association, Inc., 56th Anniversary Convention, July 18, 2008, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.. (2008).
  2. GMR & CMR, , what next? Laurence L. Henry, PhD, A power-point presentation at the IEEE 2007 Region 5 Student Professional Awareness Conference (S-PAC). November 15, 2007 Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.. (2007).
  3. CoFe, Fe and Co Nanoparticle Displacement with Cu Ions. E. Podlaha, Z. Guo and L. Henry. 2006 Joint International Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Cancun, Mexico from October 29 - November 3, 2006.. (2006).
  4. An examination of Co and Fe core nanoparticles with a protecting shell. Guo, Z., Henry, L.L., Podlaha, E.J. ECS Transactions 1 (12), pp. 63-69. (2006).
  5. Microfluidic synthesis of cobalt nanoparticles. Song, Y., Modrow, H., Henry, L.L., Saw, C.K., Doomes, E.E., Palshin, V., Hormes, J., Kumar, C.S.S.R. Chemistry of Materials 18 (12), pp. 2817-2827. (2006).
  6. Synthesis of poly(methyl methacrylate) stabilized colloidal zero-valence metallic nanoparticles. Guo, Z., Henry, L.L., Palshin, V., Podlaha, E.J. Journal of Materials Chemistry 16 (18), pp. 1772-1777. (2006).
  7. Experimental Physics Research at Southern University and A&M College Baton Rouge, LA USA and some results from the ETMPM Lab (2 presentations: Parts 1A and 1B) Department of Physics Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Africa. June 2005. (2005).
  8. Heat capacity measurements on polycrystalline La0.5(Ca/Sr)0.5MnO. L. L. Henry. Department of Physics, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Africa. June 2005. (2005).
  9. Electroless Method to Fabricate Core-shell Nanoparticles. Zhanhu Guo , Challa S. S. R. Kumar, L. L Henry, Josef Hormes, E. J. Podlaha. The Electrochemical Society 205th Meeting, San Antonio, TX. (May 2005). (2005).
  10. An examination of Co and Fe core nanoparticles with a protecting shell. Guo, Z., Henry, L.L., Podlaha, E.J. Meeting Abstracts 208th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Los Angeles, California, October 16 - 21, 2005.MA 2005-02, pp. 1213. (2005).
  11. Visit to Department of Physics Addis Ababa University, June 19-July 3, 2005. Seminar Presentation. Department of Physics, Southern University and A&M College, October 26, 2005.. (2005).
  12. Experimental Physics Research and some results from the ETMPM Lab. University of Chicago, James Frank Institute A presentation at Professor Heinrich Jaegers research group meeting. July 2005. (2005).
  13. Development of a Laboratory Course based on Education Reform Ideas. L. L. Henry, Physics Department Seminar, Southern University and A&M College, Baton Rouge, LA. October 13, 2004. (2004).
  14. Magnetic Behaviour of Co-Cu and Co-Au core shell NPs. Z. Guo, Ch. S. S. R. Kumar, L. L. Henry, J. Hormes, C. K. Saw, D. P. Young, M. Moldovan, E. J. Podlaha. 49th Annual Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference, November 7-11, 2004.. (2004).
  15. Investigation of magnetic properties of Annealed (Co core)/(Cu shell) Micro-Particles. K. Renee Horton, L. L. Henry, Zhanhu Guo, Challa Kumar. Poster presentation at NY-AMP (New York Alliance for Minority Participation), New York, NY, April, 23, 2004. (2004).
  16. *Synthesis of La0.45(Ba0.05Sr0.48)MnO3 by a Solid State Reaction Method. Leslie Sanford, L. L. Henry (faculty advisor). Poster presentation at the Annual HBCU-UP National Conference, Washington DC, February 27, 2004, and NY-AMP (New York Alliance for Minority Participation), New York, NY, April 23, 2004.. (2004).
  17. Sulfobetaine Stabilized Cobalt-Gold Core-Shell Nanoparticles. Zhanhu Guo, Challa Kumar, Elizabeth Podlaha, Edward Doomes, L. L. Henry and Josef Hormes. 2003 MRS Fall Meeting Boston, MA. (2003).
  18. From the Office to a State of the Art Research Lab. Laurence L. Henry, NASA Researchers Summit, Orlando, Fl, July 16, 2003.. (2003).
  19. Physics research at SUBR and results of magnetic and magnetoresistance measurements on some La0.5(R,A)0.5MnO3 Alloys. L. L. Henry. MLK Visiting Professor Colloquium, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Wayne State University, March 2003. (2003).
  20. *In-plane magnetoresistance in [(Co + 10%Cu)/Cu]N multilayers. Jeremy Jackson, Edrick Preddie, L. L. Henry. March APS meeting, Austin TX, 2003 (Jeremy Jackson completed a Ph.D in Physics degree at Florida A&M University.). (2003).

Technical report:

X-ray absorption in high purity synthetic Al2O3 and LaMnO3 based materials. A. Harvey, Jr., S. Pace, L. L. Henry, S.C. McGuire and R. Titsworth. CAMD Annual Report for 2001.


Funding received

  • Project/Proposal Title: Correlative Radio Observations of Cosmic Gamma-Ray Sources: A Partnership Program in Astronomy and Astrophysics between Southern University and the University of Massachusetts
    Source of Support: National Science Foundation
    Total Award Amount: $478,454.00
    Total Award Period Covered: 1/1/2008-12/31/2011
    Location of Project: Southern University and A & M College
    Role: Co-PI

  • Project/Proposal Title: Acquisition of Novel Thermoelectric Materials Research Equipment 
    Funding Agency: HBCU-UP SMART program, Southern University and A & M College
    Total Award Amount: $49,600.00
    Total Award Period Covered: 03/12/08 – 03/11/09
    Location of Project: Southern University and A & M College
    Role: Co- PI

  • Project/Proposal Title: Thermal Transport Measurements of Novel Thermoelectric Materials and Related Systems
    Source of Support: Louisiana State BOARD OF REGENTS
    Total Award Period Covered: 03/12/08 – 03/11/09
    Total Award Amount: $24,400.00
    Total Award Period Covered: 6/1/2008-5/31/2009
    Role: Co-PI

  • Project/Proposal Title: Investigation of annealed cobalt/copper nanoparticles. 
    Source of Support: NASA-GSFC Graduate Student Researchers Program fellowship. 
    Starting Date: July 2004, 
    Award Amount: $24,000/yr. 
    Role: Faculty Advisor for graduate student Ms. Karla Horton.

  • Project/Proposal Title: An Integrated Theory and Laboratory Learning Experience: A Calorimetry Lab. 
    Funding agency: NASA 
    Total Award Amount: $144,583 
    Award period: 1999-2003. 
    Role: PI

  • Project/Proposal Title: Synthesis and Magnetic, Thermal, and Electrical Measurements on Complex non-Cuprate Superconductors. 
    (This project is a joint project between researchers at Louisiana State University, SUBR and Los Alamos National Laboratory.)
    Funding Agency: DOE 
    Total Award Amount: $224,980 
    Award period: 2000-2003. 
    Role: PI

  • Project/Proposal Title: Magnetic and Structural Properties of Some Magnetic Thin Films, Multilayers, and Perovskite-Type Alloys. 
    Funding agency: LEQSF 
    Award Amount:
    Award Period: 1996-1999
    Role: PI 

A Slide Show of the ETMPM Lab