Dr. Pui-man Lam
B.S. San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, May 1972
Ph.D., Washington University, St. Louis, MO, May 1977
- Undergraduate courses: First and second semester General Physics for science and engineering majors(including laboratory); Intermediate Electrodynamics for physics majors; Physics for non-science majors (including laboratory)
- Graduate level: Mathematical Methods Statistical Mechanics for Physicists and Engineers
- Supervised many master degree thesis and undergraduate research projects
Statistical physics; theoretical biophysics, Monte-Carlo simulation of models of epitaxial growth; kinetic roughening in surface growth; surface critical phenomena; scaling properties of polymers; percolation theory; ground-state properties of liquid helium.
Physics Publications:
- Driven Translocation of a Polynucleotide Chain Through a NanoporeA continuous Time Monte-Carlo Study, Pui-Man Lam, Fei Liu and Zhong-can Ou-Yang, Phys. Rev.E74,011911. (2006).
- Unzipping DNA from the condensed globule stateeffects of unraveling, P.M. Lam and J.C. Levy, Biopolymers79, 287. (2005).
- Comment on Theory of high force DNA stretching and overstretching, P.M. Lam, Phys. Rev.E70, 013901. (2004).
- Effects of excluded volume in gene stretching, P.M. Lam, Biopolymers64, 57. (2002).
- Monte-Carlo simulation of pulsed laser deposition, P.M. Lam, S.J. Liu and C.H. Woo, Phys. Rev.B66, 45408. (2002).
- Monte-Carlo investigation of vertical correlations in self-organized multilayer growth of islands, S. Tan, P.M. Lam and J.C.S. Levy, PhysicaA303, 105. (2002).
- A kinetic Monte-Carlo simulation of self-organization in quantum dot superlattices, P.M. Lam and S. Tan, Phys. Rev.B64,35321. (2001).
- M. Lam and S. Tan, Phys. Rev.E62, 6246. (2000).
- Monte-Carlo simulation of three-dimensional islands, S. Tan and P.-M. Lam, Phys. Rev.B60, 8314. (1999).
- Monte-Carlo simulation of coarsening in a model of submonolayer epitaxial growth, P.-M. Lam, D. Bagayoko and X.-Y. Hu, Surf. Sci.429161. (1999).
- Monte-Carlo investigation island growth in strained layers, S. Tan and P.-M. Lam, Phys. Rev.B595871. (1999).
- Effects of randomness and spatially dependent relaxation on sandpile models,P.M. Lam, I. Akanbi and D.E. Newman,Physica A253, 307. (1998).
- Extremal-point densities of interface fluctuations in a quenched random medium, 66]Effect of Monomer evaporation in the Clarke-Vvedensky model of submonolayer growth, P.-M. Lam, R. Tashakkori, Phys. Rev.B56, 4893. (1997).
- 3d transition-meetal impurities in aluminum, D. Bagayoko, P.M. Lam, N. Brener and J. Callaway, Phys. Rev.B54, 12184. (1996).
- Hidden symmetry, exact relations, and a small parameter in surface growth models with diffusion, P.M. Lam and D. Bagayoko, PhysicaA223, 413. (1996).
- Colored noise in the dynamics of aqueous protein solutions, P.M. Lam and D. Bagayoko, Phys. Rev.E53, 1280. (1996).
- Dynamic scaling of the island-size distribution and percolation in a model of submonolayer molecular beam epitaxy, J.G. Amar, F. Family and P.M. Lam, Phys. Rev.B50, 8781. (1994).
- Ward identities for surface growth models with diffusion, P.M. Lam and D. Bagayoko, Phys. Rev.E50, 2488. (1994).
- Dynamics of concentration fluctuations in polymer solutions with spatiotemporal orrelated noise, P.M. Lam and D. Bagayoko, Phys. Rev.E50, 437. (1994).
- Polymer brushes with density dependent excluded volume parameters, P. Anderson, D.C. Hong, P.M. Lam and B.E. Vugmeister, J. PhysiqueII4, 1157. (1994).
- Normalization-group analysis and simulational studies of groove instabilities in surface growth, F. Family and P.M. Lam, PhysicaA205, 272. (1994).
- Spatiotemporal correlations in colored noise, P.M. Lam and D. Bagayoko, Phys. Rev.E48, 3267. (1993).
- Groove instabilities in surface growth with diffusion, J.G. Amar, P.M. Lam and F. Family, Phys. Rev.E47, 3242. (1993).
- De-coupling theory and simulation of a running sandpile model of self-organized criticality, P.M. Lam and F. Family, Phys. Rev.E47, 1570. (1993).
- Surface growth of molecular-beam epitaxy with correlated noise, P.M. Lam and F. Family, Phys. Rev.A44, 4854. (1991).
- Dynamics of a height-conserving surface growth model with spatially correlated noise, P.M. Lam and F. Family, Phys. Rev.A44, 7939. (1991).
- Surface growth with long range correlated noise, J.G. Amar, P.M. Lam and F. Family, Phys. Rev.A43,4548. (1991).
- End-point distribution and structure function of polymers, P.M. Lam and F. Family, PhysicaA171, 223. (1991).
- Correction to scaling exponent for self-avoiding walks, P.M. Lam, Phys. Rev.B42, 4447,. (1990).
- Exact series studies of self-avoiding walks in two-dimensional critical percolation clusters, P.M. Lam, J. Phys.A23, L831. (1990).
- Universal distance ratios for two-dimensional self-avoiding walks: Monte-Carlo and exact series analysis, P.M. Lam, J. Phys.A23, L325. (1990).
- The structure function of branched polymers in good-solvents--a lattice calculation, P.M. Lam, J. Chem. Phys.92, 3136. (1990).
- The structure function of linear polymers in good solvent--a self-avoiding walk model, P.M. Lam, Phys. Rev.B41, 2257. (1990).
- Surface order parameter in three dimensional percolation, Alex Hansen, P.M. Lam and S. Roux, J. Phys.A22, 2635. (1989).
- Semi-infinite Potts model and percolation at surfaces, H.W. Diehl and P.M. Lam, Z. Phys.B74, 395. (1989).
- Collapse of percolation clusters--a transfer matrix study, P.M. Lam, J. Stat. Phys.54, 1081. (1989).
- Resistivity exponent of two-dimensional lattice animals, P.M. Lam and Alex Hansen, J. Stat. Phys.52, 47. (1988).
- Adsorption of branched polymers at a surface--Monte Carlo and scaling analysis, P.M. Lam and K. Binder, J. Phys.A21, L405. (1988).
- A scaling analysis of the collapse transition in branched polymers, P.M. Lam, Phys. Rev.B38, 2813. (1988).
- A percolation approach to the Kauffman model, P.M. Lam, J. Stat. Phys.50, 1263. (1988).
- Specific heat and collapse transition of branched polymers, P.M. Lam, Phys. Rev.B13, 6988. (1987).
- Comment on Eden model on Manhattan lattice, P.M. Lam, J. Phys.A20, 5409. (1987).
- Collapse transition and cyclomatic number distribution in directed lattice animals, P.M. Lam and J.A.M.S. Duarte, J. Stat. Phys.49, 245. (1987).
- On the universality class of growing self-avoiding walks and trails, P.M. Lam, J. Phys.A20, 4399. (1987).
- Branched polymers with a prescribed number of cycles--Monte Carlo and exact series studies, P.M. Lam, Phys. Rev.A35, 349. (1987).
- Monte-Carlo study of lattice animals in d-dimensions, P.M. Lam, Phys. Rev.A34, 2339. (1986).
- Monte-Carlo method for series expansions, D. Dhar and P.M. Lam, J. Phys.A19, L1057. (1986).
- Correction to scaling for branched polymers, P.M. Lam, Z. Phys.B64, 227. (1986).
- On Monte-Carlo generation and study of anisotropy of lattice animals, P.M. Lam, J. Phys.A19}, L155. (1986).
- Constant fugacity Monte-Carlo enumeration method for linear and branched polymers, Y.S. Yang and P.M. Lam, Comm. Theor. Phys. (Beijing, China)4, 497. (1985).
- Renormalization group study of anomalous acoustic behavior of critical percolation networks, P.M. Lam, W. Bao and Y.S. Yang, Z. Phys.B61, 283. (1985).
- Self-avoiding walk model for proteins, Y.S. Yang, Y. Liu and P.M. Lam, Z. Phys.B59, 445. (1985).
- Recursion method for the density of states and spectral dimension of central force elastic percolation networks, P.M. Lam and W. Bao, Z. Phys.B59, 333. (1985).
- Recursion method for the density of states and spectral dimension of percolation networks, P.M. Lam, W. Bao and Z. Zheng, Z. Phys.B59, 63. (1985).
- True self-avoiding walks on critical percolation clusters and lattice animals, P.M. Lam, Z. Phys.B57, 301. (1984).
- Kinetic growth walk on critical percolation clusters and lattice animals, P.M. Lam and Z.Q. Zhang, Z. Phys.B57, 65. (1984).
- Self-avoiding walks on percolation clusters at criticality and lattice animals, P.M. Lam and Z.Q. Zhang, Z. Phys.B56, 155. (1984).
- Renormalization group approach to the surface and defect critical behavior in the Potts model, P.M. Lam and Z.Q. Zhang, Z. Phys.B52, 315. (1983).
- Ground state correlations in the two-dimensional polarized electron gas, P.M. Lam, Z. Phys.B50, 337. (1983).
- Surface tension of liquid helium, P.M. Lam, Z. Phys.B53, 245. (1983).
- Soliton propagation in liquid crystals, Lin Lei, Shu Changqing, Shen Juelian, P.M. Lam and Huang Yun, Phys. Rev. Lett.49, 1335. (1982).
- Quasi long range order in two-dimensional Bose systems,P.M. Lam, Z. Phys.B48, 51. (1982).
- On momentum distribution in Bose fluids, P.M. Lam and M.L. Ristig, Z. Phys.B45, 179. (1982).
- Spin alignment in condensed atomic hydrogen, M.L. Ristig and P.M. Lam, in:Recent Progress in Many-body Theories, Proceedings, Oaxtepex, Mexico 1981, ed. J.G. Zabolitzky, M. deLlano, M. Tortes and J.W. Clark. (1981).
- Spatial correlations in model Fermi fluids, M.L. Ristig and P.M. Lam J. Low Temp. Phys.40,571. (1980).
- Ground state fluctuations in polarized helium three, M.L. Ristig and P.M. Lam, J. Physique (Paris) 41,C7, 213. (1980).
- Momentum distribution for model nuclear matter, M.L. Ristig and P.M. Lam, Phys. Lett.93B, 240. (1980).
- Hypernetted-chain calculations for the electron plasma at matallic densities, M.L. Ristig and P.M. Lam, Kinam1, 407(1979)(Mexico). (1979).
- Long range order in Bose fluids, M. L. Ristig and P.M. Lam, Nucl. Phys.A328, 267. (1979).
- Condensed phase of liquid helium four, P.M. Lam and M. L. Ristig, Phys. Rev.B20, 1960. (1979).
- Theoretical momentum distribution for liquid helium three, J.W. Clark, P.M. Lam, J.G. Zabolitzky and M.L. Ristig, Phys. Rev.B17, 1147. (1978).
- Condensate fraction of liquid helium four at low temperature, P.M. Lam and M.L. Ristig, Phys. Lett.65A, 307. (1978).
- Pairing energy of liquid helium four, M.L. Ristig, P. Hecking, P.M. Lam and J.W. Clark, Phys. Lett.63A, 94. (1977).
- Numerical comparision of three theories of nuclear matter, J.W. Clark, M.T. Johnson, P.M. Lam and J.G. Zabolitzky, Nucl. Phys.A283, 253. (1977).
- Density matrix and momentum distribution of helium liquids and nuclear matter, P.M. Lam, J.W. Clark and M.L. Ristig, Phys. Rev.B16, 222. (1977).
- Ground state condensate fraction of liquid helium four, P.M. Lam and C. C. Chang, Phys. Lett.59A, 356. (1976).
- Dynamic structure function of liquid helium three, P.M. Lam, H.W. Jackson, M.L. Ristig and J.W. Clark, Phys. Lett.58A, 454. (1976).
- Condensate fraction and momentum distribution of liquid helium, M.L. Ristig, P.M. Lam and J.W. Clark, Phys. Lett.55A, 101. (1975).
- Perturbation correction to the Jastrow energy for simple models of nuclear matter, J.W. Clark, P.M. Lam and W.J. Ter Louw, Nucl. Phys.A255,1. (1975).
- Comment on Theory of high force DNA stretching and overstretching, P.M. Lam, to be published in Phys. Rev. E