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Southern University Police Department selected for training from USDOJ policing program

Southern University Police Department has been selected to receive technical assistance training from The Collaborative Reform Initiative for Technical Assistance (CRI-TA) by the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) through the United States Department of Justice.

The CRI-TA program provides critical and tailored technical assistance resources to state, local, territorial, and tribal law enforcement agencies on a wide variety of topics. It features a “by the field, for the field” approach while delivering individualized technical assistance using leading experts in a range of public safety, crime reduction, and community policing topics. 

"This training program will allow the SUPD to better serve the SU community with the latest tactics, trends, and policies," says Joycelyn Johnson, SUPD chief of police. "We strive to ensure that our campus is a safe and enjoyable environment for our students and employees."

CRI-TA is providing technical assistance to colleges/universities in the following states:Massachusetts, South Carolina, North Carolina, New York, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, New Mexico, and California. 

For more information on this training, please visit the COPS website