Department of Agricultural Sciences
The Department of Agricultural Sciences offers three academic degree programs leading to Bachelor of Science degrees in agricultural economics, and agricultural sciencesry. The degree program in agricultural economics offers concentrations in agricultural economics and agribusiness. The agricultural sciences degree program offers concentrations in animal science and plant and soil sciences. Flexibility in the curricula of the degree programs permits students to complete an individually tailored program worked out in consultation with their advisors. The department has outdoor and indoor laboratory facilities for supporting instructional and research activities.
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
The Department of Family and Consumer Sciences offers a Bachelor of Science degree in family and consumer sciences with areas of concentration in apparel merchandising and textiles, child development, dietetics, and food science and management. The mission of the Division is to improve the wellbeing of individuals, families, and communities through quality teaching; scholarly activity that is relevant to the needs of the state's citizenry; and outreach locally, nationally, and globally. The department uses an integrative approach to teaching, research, and service to accomplish its mission.
Department of Urban Forestry and Natural Resources
Temporarily under construction.