Southern University Masters of Public Administration Association
The mission of the Southern University Masters of Public Administration Association (SUMPAA) is to promote professional development and networking opportunities; to place value of public service; and to mobilize the MPA student body by arranging individual forums and visits from private and public entities by allowing students to experience personal and professional development via community service projects which acts as a liaison between the student body and faculty in order to voice student concerns parallel to effective department efficiency.
The Vision of SUMPAA is to ensure that all students obtain the specific competencies for leadership, management, knowledge, and initiative required as future business leaders and professionals.
For more information on SUMPAA or to join email us at:
Bylaws of Southern University Master of Public Administration Association (SUMPAA)
Article I
1.1: Procedures for membership:
Students wanting to be a member in SUMPAA, must meet the following requirements:
- Be currently enrolled in the Master of Public Administration program at Southern University, Baton Rouge
- Fill out a membership application and student profile for organizational purposes
- Pay all organizational fees involved with activating membership
1.2: Remittance of dues:
Membership dues are $20.00 per year. Yearly dues include the fall, spring and summer semesters. There is no semester by semester fee option available to neither prospective members nor recurring members for activating membership.
1.3: Membership responsibilities:
` Membership responsibilities shall include not only attending meetings, events, and activities hosted by the organization, but also active participation in the aforementioned list. Members should also play an important role in recruiting new members to the organization on a semester-by-semester basis.
1.4: Membership termination:
Membership shall be terminated by either graduation and/or the lack of remittance of
membership dues.
Article II
Selection of Officers
2.1: Election Rules for Officer selection:
2.1.1: Election Rules for Spring Semester Officers: The election process must begin during the month of September. During the first three weeks of September, there must be an announcement of vacant office positions for the spring semester, and acceptance nominations begins at the next scheduled meeting. The election date must be scheduled for the last week of September. During the first week of October, the newly elected officers must meet with the outgoing officers to secure any official documents and/or other organizational paraphernalia. During the week of graduation, a graduation party is held for the outgoing SUMPAA members as prospective graduates and to celebrate the inauguration of new officers.
2.1.2: Election Rules for Fall Semester Officers: The election process must begin during the month of March. During the first three weeks of March, there must be an announcement of vacant office positions for the fall semester, and acceptance of nominations begins at the next scheduled meeting. The election date must be scheduled for the last week of March or the first week of April depending on when spring break is scheduled. During the first or second week of March, the newly elected officers must meet with the outgoing officers to secure any official documents and/or other organizational paraphernalia. During the week of graduation, a graduation party must be held for outgoing SUMPAA members as prospective graduates and to celebrate the inauguration of new officers.
2.2: Voting Procedures
All active and paid members are eligible to cast one vote on the day of election, using the ballot
method. Ballots must be counted by an outgoing officer. Proxy voting is not accepted.
2.3: Position Eligibility Requirements
The requirements for each officer include but are not limited to:
2.3.1: President
- Must be currently enrolled in the Southern University Masters of Public Administration department
- Must have at least two semesters left prior to graduation upon nomination and election of the new office
- Must demonstrate leadership qualities and team-work abilities
2.3.2: Vice-President
- Must be currently enrolled in the Southern University Masters of Public Administration department
- Must have at least two semesters left prior to graduation upon nomination and election of the new office
- Must be willing to act in the absence of the president in all capabilities
- Must demonstrate team-building skills
2.3.3 Secretary
- Must be currently enrolled in the Southern University Master of Public Administration department
- Must have at least two semesters left prior to graduation upon nomination and election of the new office
- Must be detail-oriented and multi-tasked
- Must demonstrate the ability to work as a team and with a team
- Must be accessible and have access to the internet for daily use
2.3.4 Treasurer
- Must be currently enrolled in the Southern University Masters of Public Administration department
- Must have at least two semesters left prior to graduation upon nomination and election of the new office
- Must have experience in maintaining a check and balance system
- Must have some experience in creating budgets in an organizational capacity
- Must have access to bank for deposits and reporting purposes
2.3.5 Membership Coordinator
- Must be currently enrolled in the Southern University Masters of Public Administration department
- Must have at least two semesters left prior to graduation upon nomination and election of the new office
- Must have desire and ability to create and develop organizational media and correspondence, i.e., flyers, posters
2.4 Removal of Officers
The provisions for removal of an officer include but are not limited to: Two missed meetings within one semester without prior approval by either the President and/or the Executive Board. The decision to remove or retain an officer after two unexcused missed meetings can be vetoed by the President if approval or disapproval of the absence has been granted without sound reason based on the decision of the President and the Executive Board.
Article III
Selection of Advisors
3.1: Advisors Selection
The selection of the advisors shall be done by the approval of the current organizational body and the Executive Board which includes the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership Coordinator
3.2: Advisors Removal
The provision for removal of an advisor includes a written proposal by either a member of the organizational body and/or Executive Board. The proposal must be presented to the body and put to vote pending a 2/3 approval or a simple majority vote, depending on the number of present members. Proxy voting is not allowed in cases that involve the removal of a faculty advisor. Executive Board members shall decide which method of voting will take place based on the amount of members present to vote at the meeting.
Article IV
4.1: Ad-hoc Committee Formation
All ad-hoc committees shall be formed by and under the provision of the Executive Board. These committees shall be formed depending on the event and/or service project and it shall be designated by the Executive Board. All organizational members are eligible to serve on any ad-hoc committee. The role, responsibilities, and duties for the committee members shall be provided by the designated committee chair given prior approval from the Executive Board.
Article V
Role of Officers
5.1 Officers Role
All officers are the spokespeople for the SUMPAA organization. However, each position has specific roles and responsibilities they must adhere to in order for the organization to function.
5.1.1 President
The President shall act as a liaison between Southern University Baton Rouge MPA faculty members, staff administration and all official members of SUMPAA. President responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- Overseeing all SUMPAA activities, correspondence, meetings, and events
- Ensuring that all activities are aligned with the overall purpose of the organization
- Overseeing the development of monthly newsletters featuring and highlighting SUMPAA activities and events
- Working closely with the Executive Board to draft a plan of action/events for the semester
- Comparing the organizational budget with the expected organizational events to ensure that the overall organizational plan is both cohesive with the semester plan and unified with all members
5.1.2 Vice-President of External Communications
The Vice-President of External Communications shall act in the absence of the President at all activities and meetings held, hosted, and sponsored by SUMPAA. Vice-President of External Communications responsibilities include but are not limited to
- Acting as liaison between the President and the community outside of Southern University
- Responsible for creating and maintain a contact list
- Updating Facebook with links to available jobs, internships and/or websites with job listings and career opportunities
- Announcing job opportunities via e-mail and Facebook at least twice a month
- Looking for and announcing conferences for SUMPAA members via e-mail and Facebook
- Working with the President to draft monthly SUMPAA newsletters
- Stepping in as President in his/her absence
5.1.2 Vice-President of Internal Communications
The Vice-President of Internal Communications shall keep accurate records from each SUMPAA executive board and general body meeting. Vice-President of Internal Communications responsibilities include but are not limited to
- Sending out e-mails and posting on Facebook to remind all SUMPAA members of all SUMPAA activity
- Providing electronic meeting highlights/minutes to members and faculty advisor(s) via e-mail
- Working closely with the President and Vice-President of External Communications to draft monthly SUMPAA newsletters
- Keeping open communication between SUMPAA members, MPA students, and faculty
- Working with the president to create agendas for general body meetings and executive board meetings
5.1.3 Vice-President of Finance
The Vice-President of Finance shall keep an accurate check and balance system for the SUMPAA account. Vice-President of Finance responsibilities include but are not limited to
- Keeping an accurate record of all paid members and unpaid members
- Updating all members of when their membership is about to expire (at least one month in advance)
- Providing receipts to newly paid members
- Providing an updated financial report to each SUMPAA executive board and general body meeting regarding the monthly revenues and expenditures of the organization
- Providing a budget at the beginning of each semester projecting the expenditures for the semester
- Keeping a current log of monies spend based on the budget and at the end of each semester provides a report detailing the projected budget and the actual budget, giving the net profit or loss for the semester
- Maintaining all organizational receipts
5.1.5 Vice- President of Membership
The Vice-President of Membership shall serve as a liaison between both existing and nonexistent members of the organization and the executive board. Responsibilities of Membership Coordinator include but are not limited to
- Recruiting new members and sustain existing ones through a proposal of ideas that both existing members and potential members want
- Working with the Vice-President of Finances to keep an accurate account of membership numbers
- Developing media and other correspondence that directly pertains to membership, meetings, and/or activities
- Maintaining membership database
- Planning all SUMPAA social events