
Doris Spooner-Hall
Instructor of Woodwinds
Ph.D. Nova Southeastern University
M.M.E. Louisiana State University
B.M.E. Louisiana State University
Dr. Doris S. Hall was born in New Orleans, Louisiana. She was reared in Baton Rouge, Louisiana where she attended private and public schools.
Dr. Doris S. Hall is an Adjunct Professor of Southern University teaching Humanities courses, The Enjoyment of Music, History of Jazz, and a former Professor of Flute at Alabama A&M University in Huntsville, Alabama for many years. She has been recognized throughout the country by a number of diverse organizations and associations. A graduate of Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana where she received the Bachelor of Music Education and Masters of Music Education in Instrumental Music. She received the Education Specialist in Administration and Supervision from Alabama A&M University in Huntsville, Alabama, Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Leadership from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Dr. Doris S. Hall has served in the higher education teaching and learning process with dedication and distinction. She has been a private teacher for students in the elementary, middle, and high school age group. Dr. Hall has been a Director of Summer Youth Programs, the College Board Program for teachers, and a professor at two and four-year colleges and universities. She has taught master classes and performed solo recitals. For several years she has served as a part-time lecturer and teacher at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, and at Oakwood College. Dr. Hall served as principal flutist in the Huntsville Symphony Orchestra and played in the Orchestra for a total of twenty-one years. She has taught Woodwinds class, music history, music appreciation, flute choir, conducting, and private woodwind instruments, humanities, history of jazz, American Popular Music, and Form & Analysis. She has professionally conducted woodwind ensembles and has conducted marching and concert bands. Moreover, she has served as a clinician and consultant for The HBCU National Band Directors Consortium held annually in Atlanta, Georgia.
Dr. Doris S. Hall has made many presentations in the State of Alabama. She has given over 1000 or more presentations and lectures to a variety of organizations along with playing solo compositions on Flute.
Dr. Doris S. Hall is an online adjunct faculty in music education in higher education. She has done diverse work with many students to provide a comprehensive understanding of the skills, attention to detail, and follow-through needed to execute various positions on varied levels. (USA), and others. She understands the diverse needs of students and the educational, systemic facets of education/diversity.
Dr. Doris S. Hall has recorded flute and harp solos arranged by Dr. Hall. The recording is “Flute Duo and Harp” by Dr. Doris Spooner-Hall and Dr. Sandra Wang-Harris (Harpist and Flutist). The music includes: Medieval to Contemporary. In addition, Dr. Hall has recorded with International Flute Orchestra associated with the National Flute Association.
Dr. Doris S. Hall is a Yamaha Artist for the Yamaha Corporation of America. She performs with a YFL 881 Flute. She has been an Artist-In-Residency and touring artist with the Alabama State Council on the Arts. She has performed under the batons of Marx Pales and Taavo Virkhaus in Huntsville, Alabama as well as Shaul Ben Meir, Alan Leech, and John Bailey of the International Flute Orchestra (American Flute Orchestra). She has written a book called “A Pedagogical Guide for Flute Teachers and Students.”.