- Overview
- Mission, Vision, Core Values
- Institutional Effectiveness Model
- Structure & Organization
- Staff
- Systematic Review of Institutional Mission
- Linkage between SUBR Strategic Plan & Mission
- Course Assessment
- SUS Board Approved Policies
- CIP Codes
- SACSCOC Reaffirmed Accreditation Letter-2020-2030
- Watermark
Systematic Review of Institutional Mission
In addition to institutional review of the mission by the SUBR executive leadership team, the Southern University Board of Supervisors regularly reviews the mission statement of Southern University and A&M College. On June 22, 2018, the Southern University Board of Supervisors approved a mission review policy (Board Policy Number 6-004) that stipulates an annual review of institutional mission statements. Since the policy was approved in 2018, the Board has completed two (2) cycles of mission statement reviews:
- Mission Review - On August 24, 2018, during the Board’s regular monthly meeting.
- Mission Review - On July 19, 2019, during the Board’s regular monthly meeting.
In effect, since 2016, the Southern University Board of Supervisors has completed a total of three (3) cycles of mission statement reviews. Per its mission review policy that requires the Board to conduct an annual review of the institutional mission statements, the next review of the mission statement by the Board is scheduled for July or August 2020.