Clean Access Requirements
Clean Access Requirements
Mandatory Requirements
operating systems
Users must download and install the Clean Access agent to log-in.
Windows 2000/ME/98 and below are not compliant for Clean Access Use.
Currently users must authenticate by logging in via the Clean Access web page. There is no client to download and there is no icon that can be right-clicked to login and logout.
Antivirus Information
Students are encourage to purchase their own antivirus software.
We do not have a preference, but encourage you to have an updated antivirus software. If you have purchased an antivirus software that is not being supported by Clean Access, please email us the software name and version.
To see if your antivirus software is approved by Clean Access, click here.
For Mac OS X antivirus software supported by Clean Access, click here.
For antivirus software options, click here.
Microsoft Windows Updates
Keep your computer up to date. Check to see if you need updates for Windows, your hardware or your devices, click here.
VIDEO Gaming Consoles
To connect your video gaming consoles to the network you will need to make a request to get connected to the network. Click here to get connected.