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Students Resources

Student Resources


  • SU Email > Students > Email Access
  • General Purpose Computer Lab & Printing  - The TNS labs are located in T.T. Allain, the Smith-Brown Union and the Library.  Lab computers are Internet ready with the Microsoft Office Suite and other application programs. Printing is also provided for student use.                    
  • Emergency Phone & Text Messaging - FIRSTCALL, a 24-hour telephone warning system that alerts you about critical information, warnings and advisories concerning emergencies on campus. Enroll by clicking on the FIRSTCALL.
  • SU Password Station - Password Station is a self-service tool enables 24/7 Web access to reset your password and unlock your account, even if you forget your old password.   
  • Jag News Channel 74

  • SUTV 75 - SUTV's mission is to provide quality and informative programming tailored specifically for the students attending Southern University.