- SUBR Catalogs
- Re-Admit Students
- Cross Registration
- Residency Requirements
- Commencement Information
- Commencement Participation Policy
- Transcript Request
- Rights, Duties & Responsibilities of Students
- Academic Clemency
- Auditing a Course
- Class Attendance
- Course Load
- Student Conduct
- Student Records
- System of Grading
- Withdrawal from the University
- Forms
- FAQs
- Student Help Ticket
Cross Registration
Cross-Registration Program Policy and Procedure
Southern University and A&M College in agreement with Louisiana State University, Southeastern Louisiana University, Southern University at New Orleans and Baton Rouge Community College to allow students to participate in a CO-OP or Cross-Registration program which enables REGISTERED students at each institution to enroll in courses at the other institution without additional fees as an extension of its program offerings.
Students must be registered in courses at their home institution (MORE HOURS THAN YOU PLAN TO CROSS REGISTER) and may take no more than two (2) additional courses per semester or summer session under the cross-registration agreement.
Southern University Baton Rouge campus students interested in cross-enrolling to LSU / SELU / SUNO / BRCC will be required to do the following:
- Obtain cross-enrollment application ONLINE or from the Registrar's Office. (applications will only be submitted during registration periods).
- Register for classes at SUBR (must be a registered student to cross enroll)
- Complete application in its entirety, written legibly with the correct information. Incomplete forms will not be accepted or processed (ALL FORMS MUST INCLUDE THE SUBR EMAIL ADDRESS)
- Go to: www.lsu.edu, www.mybrcc.edu, www.selu.edu, www.suno.edu for each school's course schedules.
- Secure the signature of your college DEAN AND ADVISOR. (LSU form as well)
- Return cross-enrollment forms to the Office of the Registrar located in T. H. Harris Hall for processing.
PLEASE NOTE: Cross registered courses WILL NOT be added to a student's schedule until confirmation has been received from the host institution. DO NOT CALL THE HOST INSTITUION. Email will be the means of communication.
Students who submit cross registration applications should check their schedules online for confirmation via BANNER. Students will be contacted by email at their SUBR email account ONLY when confirmation is received from the host institution. If there is a problem, students will be given instruction on obtaining an override. If the course has not been added to the schedule prior to the first day of class, the student should see the coordinator for further instruction.
NOTE: Cross registered courses CANNOT be dropped via Banner. The student must complete a drop slip to be processed and sent to the host institution.
Students are encouraged NOT TO cross register the semester they plan to graduate because of the difference in the academic calendars of the host institutions where final grades may not be submitted on time to complete the graduation check-out process. OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPTS ARE REQUIRED TO POST FINAL GRADES.