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Dr. Pui-man Lam






Department of Physics, Rm. 238, James Hall, Southern University and A&M College, Baton Rouge, LA 70813







B.S. San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, May 1972
Ph.D., Washington University, St. Louis, MO, May 1977


  • Undergraduate courses: First and second semester General Physics for science and engineering majors(including laboratory); Intermediate Electrodynamics for physics majors; Physics for non-science majors (including laboratory)
  • Graduate level: Mathematical Methods Statistical Mechanics for Physicists and Engineers
  • Supervised many master degree thesis and undergraduate research projects


Statistical physics; theoretical biophysics, Monte-Carlo simulation of models of epitaxial growth; kinetic roughening in surface growth; surface critical phenomena; scaling properties of polymers; percolation theory; ground-state properties of liquid helium.



Physics Publications:

  1. Driven Translocation of a Polynucleotide Chain Through a NanoporeA continuous Time Monte-Carlo Study, Pui-Man Lam, Fei Liu and Zhong-can Ou-Yang, Phys. Rev.E74,011911. (2006).
  2. Unzipping DNA from the condensed globule stateeffects of unraveling, P.M. Lam and J.C. Levy, Biopolymers79, 287. (2005).
  3. Comment on Theory of high force DNA stretching and overstretching, P.M. Lam, Phys. Rev.E70, 013901. (2004).
  4. Effects of excluded volume in gene stretching, P.M. Lam, Biopolymers64, 57. (2002).
  5. Monte-Carlo simulation of pulsed laser deposition, P.M. Lam, S.J. Liu and C.H. Woo, Phys. Rev.B66, 45408. (2002).
  6. Monte-Carlo investigation of vertical correlations in self-organized multilayer growth of islands, S. Tan, P.M. Lam and J.C.S. Levy, PhysicaA303, 105. (2002).
  7. A kinetic Monte-Carlo simulation of self-organization in quantum dot superlattices, P.M. Lam and S. Tan, Phys. Rev.B64,35321. (2001).
  8. M. Lam and S. Tan, Phys. Rev.E62, 6246. (2000).
  9. Monte-Carlo simulation of three-dimensional islands, S. Tan and P.-M. Lam, Phys. Rev.B60, 8314. (1999).
  10. Monte-Carlo simulation of coarsening in a model of submonolayer epitaxial growth, P.-M. Lam, D. Bagayoko and X.-Y. Hu, Surf. Sci.429161. (1999).
  11. Monte-Carlo investigation island growth in strained layers, S. Tan and P.-M. Lam, Phys. Rev.B595871. (1999).
  12. Effects of randomness and spatially dependent relaxation on sandpile models,P.M. Lam, I. Akanbi and D.E. Newman,Physica A253, 307. (1998).
  13. Extremal-point densities of interface fluctuations in a quenched random medium, 66]Effect of Monomer evaporation in the Clarke-Vvedensky model of submonolayer growth, P.-M. Lam, R. Tashakkori, Phys. Rev.B56, 4893. (1997).
  14. 3d transition-meetal impurities in aluminum, D. Bagayoko, P.M. Lam, N. Brener and J. Callaway, Phys. Rev.B54, 12184. (1996).
  15. Hidden symmetry, exact relations, and a small parameter in surface growth models with diffusion, P.M. Lam and D. Bagayoko, PhysicaA223, 413. (1996).
  16. Colored noise in the dynamics of aqueous protein solutions, P.M. Lam and D. Bagayoko, Phys. Rev.E53, 1280. (1996).
  17. Dynamic scaling of the island-size distribution and percolation in a model of submonolayer molecular beam epitaxy, J.G. Amar, F. Family and P.M. Lam, Phys. Rev.B50, 8781. (1994).
  18. Ward identities for surface growth models with diffusion, P.M. Lam and D. Bagayoko, Phys. Rev.E50, 2488. (1994).
  19. Dynamics of concentration fluctuations in polymer solutions with spatiotemporal orrelated noise, P.M. Lam and D. Bagayoko, Phys. Rev.E50, 437. (1994).
  20. Polymer brushes with density dependent excluded volume parameters, P. Anderson, D.C. Hong, P.M. Lam and B.E. Vugmeister, J. PhysiqueII4, 1157. (1994).
  21. Normalization-group analysis and simulational studies of groove instabilities in surface growth, F. Family and P.M. Lam, PhysicaA205, 272. (1994).
  22. Spatiotemporal correlations in colored noise, P.M. Lam and D. Bagayoko, Phys. Rev.E48, 3267. (1993).
  23. Groove instabilities in surface growth with diffusion, J.G. Amar, P.M. Lam and F. Family, Phys. Rev.E47, 3242. (1993).
  24. De-coupling theory and simulation of a running sandpile model of self-organized criticality, P.M. Lam and F. Family, Phys. Rev.E47, 1570. (1993).
  25. Surface growth of molecular-beam epitaxy with correlated noise, P.M. Lam and F. Family, Phys. Rev.A44, 4854. (1991).
  26. Dynamics of a height-conserving surface growth model with spatially correlated noise, P.M. Lam and F. Family, Phys. Rev.A44, 7939. (1991).
  27. Surface growth with long range correlated noise, J.G. Amar, P.M. Lam and F. Family, Phys. Rev.A43,4548. (1991).
  28. End-point distribution and structure function of polymers, P.M. Lam and F. Family, PhysicaA171, 223. (1991).
  29. Correction to scaling exponent for self-avoiding walks, P.M. Lam, Phys. Rev.B42, 4447,. (1990).
  30. Exact series studies of self-avoiding walks in two-dimensional critical percolation clusters, P.M. Lam, J. Phys.A23, L831. (1990).
  31. Universal distance ratios for two-dimensional self-avoiding walks: Monte-Carlo and exact series analysis, P.M. Lam, J. Phys.A23, L325. (1990).
  32. The structure function of branched polymers in good-solvents--a lattice calculation, P.M. Lam, J. Chem. Phys.92, 3136. (1990).
  33. The structure function of linear polymers in good solvent--a self-avoiding walk model, P.M. Lam, Phys. Rev.B41, 2257. (1990).
  34. Surface order parameter in three dimensional percolation, Alex Hansen, P.M. Lam and S. Roux, J. Phys.A22, 2635. (1989).
  35. Semi-infinite Potts model and percolation at surfaces, H.W. Diehl and P.M. Lam, Z. Phys.B74, 395. (1989).
  36. Collapse of percolation clusters--a transfer matrix study, P.M. Lam, J. Stat. Phys.54, 1081. (1989).
  37. Resistivity exponent of two-dimensional lattice animals, P.M. Lam and Alex Hansen, J. Stat. Phys.52, 47. (1988).
  38. Adsorption of branched polymers at a surface--Monte Carlo and scaling analysis, P.M. Lam and K. Binder, J. Phys.A21, L405. (1988).
  39. A scaling analysis of the collapse transition in branched polymers, P.M. Lam, Phys. Rev.B38, 2813. (1988).
  40. A percolation approach to the Kauffman model, P.M. Lam, J. Stat. Phys.50, 1263. (1988).
  41. Specific heat and collapse transition of branched polymers, P.M. Lam, Phys. Rev.B13, 6988. (1987).
  42. Comment on Eden model on Manhattan lattice, P.M. Lam, J. Phys.A20, 5409. (1987).
  43. Collapse transition and cyclomatic number distribution in directed lattice animals, P.M. Lam and J.A.M.S. Duarte, J. Stat. Phys.49, 245. (1987).
  44. On the universality class of growing self-avoiding walks and trails, P.M. Lam, J. Phys.A20, 4399. (1987).
  45. Branched polymers with a prescribed number of cycles--Monte Carlo and exact series studies, P.M. Lam, Phys. Rev.A35, 349. (1987).
  46. Monte-Carlo study of lattice animals in d-dimensions, P.M. Lam, Phys. Rev.A34, 2339. (1986).
  47. Monte-Carlo method for series expansions, D. Dhar and P.M. Lam, J. Phys.A19, L1057. (1986).
  48. Correction to scaling for branched polymers, P.M. Lam, Z. Phys.B64, 227. (1986).
  49. On Monte-Carlo generation and study of anisotropy of lattice animals, P.M. Lam, J. Phys.A19}, L155. (1986).
  50. Constant fugacity Monte-Carlo enumeration method for linear and branched polymers, Y.S. Yang and P.M. Lam, Comm. Theor. Phys. (Beijing, China)4, 497. (1985).
  51. Renormalization group study of anomalous acoustic behavior of critical percolation networks, P.M. Lam, W. Bao and Y.S. Yang, Z. Phys.B61, 283. (1985).
  52. Self-avoiding walk model for proteins, Y.S. Yang, Y. Liu and P.M. Lam, Z. Phys.B59, 445. (1985).
  53. Recursion method for the density of states and spectral dimension of central force elastic percolation networks, P.M. Lam and W. Bao, Z. Phys.B59, 333. (1985).
  54. Recursion method for the density of states and spectral dimension of percolation networks, P.M. Lam, W. Bao and Z. Zheng, Z. Phys.B59, 63. (1985).
  55. True self-avoiding walks on critical percolation clusters and lattice animals, P.M. Lam, Z. Phys.B57, 301. (1984).
  56. Kinetic growth walk on critical percolation clusters and lattice animals, P.M. Lam and Z.Q. Zhang, Z. Phys.B57, 65. (1984).
  57. Self-avoiding walks on percolation clusters at criticality and lattice animals, P.M. Lam and Z.Q. Zhang, Z. Phys.B56, 155. (1984).
  58. Renormalization group approach to the surface and defect critical behavior in the Potts model, P.M. Lam and Z.Q. Zhang, Z. Phys.B52, 315. (1983).
  59. Ground state correlations in the two-dimensional polarized electron gas, P.M. Lam, Z. Phys.B50, 337. (1983).
  60. Surface tension of liquid helium, P.M. Lam, Z. Phys.B53, 245. (1983).
  61. Soliton propagation in liquid crystals, Lin Lei, Shu Changqing, Shen Juelian, P.M. Lam and Huang Yun, Phys. Rev. Lett.49, 1335. (1982).
  62. Quasi long range order in two-dimensional Bose systems,P.M. Lam, Z. Phys.B48, 51. (1982).
  63. On momentum distribution in Bose fluids, P.M. Lam and M.L. Ristig, Z. Phys.B45, 179. (1982).
  64. Spin alignment in condensed atomic hydrogen, M.L. Ristig and P.M. Lam, in:Recent Progress in Many-body Theories, Proceedings, Oaxtepex, Mexico 1981, ed. J.G. Zabolitzky, M. deLlano, M. Tortes and J.W. Clark. (1981).
  65. Spatial correlations in model Fermi fluids, M.L. Ristig and P.M. Lam J. Low Temp. Phys.40,571. (1980).
  66. Ground state fluctuations in polarized helium three, M.L. Ristig and P.M. Lam, J. Physique (Paris) 41,C7, 213. (1980).
  67. Momentum distribution for model nuclear matter, M.L. Ristig and P.M. Lam, Phys. Lett.93B, 240. (1980).
  68. Hypernetted-chain calculations for the electron plasma at matallic densities, M.L. Ristig and P.M. Lam, Kinam1, 407(1979)(Mexico). (1979).
  69. Long range order in Bose fluids, M. L. Ristig and P.M. Lam, Nucl. Phys.A328, 267. (1979).
  70. Condensed phase of liquid helium four, P.M. Lam and M. L. Ristig, Phys. Rev.B20, 1960. (1979).
  71. Theoretical momentum distribution for liquid helium three, J.W. Clark, P.M. Lam, J.G. Zabolitzky and M.L. Ristig, Phys. Rev.B17, 1147. (1978).
  72. Condensate fraction of liquid helium four at low temperature, P.M. Lam and M.L. Ristig, Phys. Lett.65A, 307. (1978).
  73. Pairing energy of liquid helium four, M.L. Ristig, P. Hecking, P.M. Lam and J.W. Clark, Phys. Lett.63A, 94. (1977).
  74. Numerical comparision of three theories of nuclear matter, J.W. Clark, M.T. Johnson, P.M. Lam and J.G. Zabolitzky, Nucl. Phys.A283, 253. (1977).
  75. Density matrix and momentum distribution of helium liquids and nuclear matter, P.M. Lam, J.W. Clark and M.L. Ristig, Phys. Rev.B16, 222. (1977).
  76. Ground state condensate fraction of liquid helium four, P.M. Lam and C. C. Chang, Phys. Lett.59A, 356. (1976).
  77. Dynamic structure function of liquid helium three, P.M. Lam, H.W. Jackson, M.L. Ristig and J.W. Clark, Phys. Lett.58A, 454. (1976).
  78. Condensate fraction and momentum distribution of liquid helium, M.L. Ristig, P.M. Lam and J.W. Clark, Phys. Lett.55A, 101. (1975).
  79. Perturbation correction to the Jastrow energy for simple models of nuclear matter, J.W. Clark, P.M. Lam and W.J. Ter Louw, Nucl. Phys.A255,1. (1975).
  80. Comment on Theory of high force DNA stretching and overstretching, P.M. Lam, to be published in Phys. Rev. E