MPA Facts
What is the degree program title?
Master of Public Administration (MPA)
The program began over 40 years ago and is accredited by the Network of Schools of Public Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA),
What is the program’s location?
The MPA program is housed in the Nelson Mandela College of Government and Social Sciences at Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
What is the program’s mission?
The mission of the Master of Public Administration program at Southern University and A&M College is to provide quality education and training for graduate students and to develop leadership and management skills in public service.
How is the program delivered?
The program is delivered in a face-to-face setting with occasional online assignments. Classes are offered in the evening from 6:00 pm – 8:50 pm Monday through Thursday. Fridays are reserved for research.
How many credit hours are required to complete the program?
36 credit hours are required to complete the program.
- 21 of the credits are core courses
- 9 of the credits are specializations/electives
- 3 credits internship
- 3 credits capstone research project
What is the program’s length?
Full-time students carrying 9 hours per semester can complete the program in 2 years and part-time students carrying at least 6 hours can complete the program in 3 years. All of these are contingent on student commitment.
What concentrations/specializations are offered?
A student has the option to select a concentration from the 9 hours of electives required to complete the degree. If a student selects a concentration, they must use their electives as their concentration courses.
Concentrations offered are economics, healthcare, non-profit management, and public policy.
What is the program size?
The program currently has 89 majors.
What is the program’s completion rate?
The current completion rate is six semesters.
Data indicates that 68% of the students enrolled in the 2020-2021 cohort graduated. In this cohort, 57% of the students graduated from the program in 4 semesters.
What is the cost of the degree?
Tuition and fees for the MPA program can be found in the link provided below.
What financial support is offered?
- Graduate Assistantships
- Scholarships
- Student Loans through Financial Aid
What is required to apply?
- Apply to the Graduate School
- Provide an official transcript
- A minimal grade point average of 2.7 on a 4.0-point scale
- A resume/curriculum vitae
What is the minimum GPA required?
A cumulative minimum grade point average of 2.7 for all undergraduate work
What are the application deadlines?
Fall Applications: April 1
Spring Applications: September 1
Summer Applications: October 1
Where are the MPA graduates employed?
Between the Summer of 2017 and the Fall of 2021, 60 students enrolled in Internship 583. 44% of the students completed their internship in state agencies whereas 29% received their internship experience from non-profit agencies. The other 27% was a mix of federal, local, parish, and private organizations. Because of the COVID-19pandemic, students were not placed in agencies for Spring and Fall 2021. The university guidelines along with local, state, and federal recommendations are in practice.