High Performance Computing Lab
Our Lab is affiliated with Department of Computer Science at Southern University-Baton Rouge. This Lab was established in Spring 2008 and was supported by DoD, DOE, NSF, NASA, LBRN/NIH, Louisiana state BoR fundings. Our major research areas include computational material, computational biomedical research, machine learning and high temperature high pressure experimental observations. Here is a picture taken in our lab on April 25, 2022.
Group News
- Welcome Dr. J. Lei, graduate students G. Oyekenu, C. Clayto, L. Bodd, undergraduate students M. Orimma, S. Poudel.
- Our LBNL BL-12.2.2 2019 beamtime is assigned at May 26 ~ 27, June 30 ~ July 1, and Dec. 20 ~21.
- Welcome our summer 2019 REU and interns: R. Luo, A. Askins, and S. Babins.
- Welcome Dr. C. Zhang, graduate students Uttam Bhandari, and Sai Uppu starting Jan. 1, 2019.
- Welcome our new CIMM REU 2018 student Tahj J. Delasbour and 2018 SURE student Gregory Richard!
- LBNL BL-12.2.2 2018 beamtime is assigned at Nov. 3 ~ 4 and Dec. 21 ~ 22.
- Congratulations on Cheng Guo's new position at Microsoft (Shanghai).
- Prof. Starovoytov works on big data IBM project starting on Jan. 1, 2017, congratulations!
- Our project using LBNL 12-2-2 2017 beamtime is approved on Nov. 1, 2016. Keep good works.
- Our data mining/analysis subproject is approved by NSF, congratulations!
- Josiah Hanson joined our 2016 Summer REU program. Wlecome Hanson.
- Dr. Tan joined EE department as a permanent staff in Spring 2016, congratulations!
- Lokeshwar Chilla joined our group in Spring 2016.
- Cheng Guo started new job in Scandy in January 2016, congratulations!
- NSF CIMM project started in Oct. 2015, congratulations CIMMers!
- Yalin was admitted into PhD. program in Notre Dame in Fall 2016, congratulations!
- Jialin passed PhD. comprehensive in Fall 2015, congratulations!
- Drs. Khosravi and Yang visited HPSTAR in Shanghai and CAST in Chongqing May 22 ~ May 31, 2015.
- High School Rally was hosted in T.T. Allain on Mar. 22, 2015.
- Hao Luo started HPSTAR technical training on Mar. 1 in Shanghai.
- Daniel was admitted in Physics Ph.D. program at Hampton University on Feb. 12, 2015.
- Daniel stated NASA training in August, 2014.
- Daniel Hart's ORNL summer 2014 research project was approved. Congratulations !
- Our HEA design project was introduced on Winter 2014 USBE & IT .
- Dr. Feng Gao's paper was published on ACS Catalyst . Congratulations !
- Jialin's grain boundary rotation detection paper was published on PNAS . Congratulations !
- Congratulations on Yalin Liu: Chief Student Marshal of the Fall 2013 graduation.
- http://www.subr.edu/index.cfm/newsroom/detail/568
- LASiGMA invited Dr. Jian Wang from LANL to visit our group and SU/LSU Labs and to make a presentation on April 16, 2014. His talk is titled:
- "Nucleation, Propagation, Growth, and Interactions of Deformation Twins in Hexagonal-Close-Packed Metals"
- Our LBNL beamtime in BL-12-2-2 was approved and scheduled in:
- 9am Wed April 23 - 8am Sun April 27 work (12 shifts).
- Schedule posted at http://highpressurexrd.lbl.gov/schedule .
- Chen group's beamtime in BL-12-2-2 is in April 17 - April 21.