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Getting Connected

How Do I Get Connected?

Wireless Networks

1. To connect to the wireless network, select one of the available wireless networks below. 

SU-STUDENTS is the wireless network for Southern University students.

SU-FACULTY/STAFF is the wireless network for Southern University administration, faculty & staff.

2. Open any Web Browser on your device and a login screen should appear.  You will use your Southern University username and password to continue.       

3. Type in your SU username and password (Same as Email Address)
Example: sus\joe.davis or sus\joe.davis01 

Register Wireless Devices

To connect gaming consoles, smart televisions and streaming devices to the wireless network, you will need to register your device. Computers, laptops and mobile phones are NOT allowed. 

To register your device, click Device Registration here.

Guest and Visitor Wireless Access

For campus guest or visitors wireless access, a request will need to be submitted.

To request for Guest Access, click here.  

You can also email us for more information at


Prohibited Devices

Personal routers, hotspots and wireless-enabled printers are prohibited on the Southern University campus network. These rogue networks can interfere with the wireless network.  Printers are also not allowed to be operated on the wireless network.

If you are having difficulty connecting to the wireless network review the instructions and if you need further help contact the Division of Information Technology Help Desk at 225-771-4357.