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Current Title III Activities
Current Title III Activities
at Southern University and A & M College
Experiential Faculty Engagement and Support Services (EFESS)
This proposal intends to address LAA #3 and #7. As we refocus research at Southern University and A&M College (SUBR), this activity will complement real-world sustainability concerns and provide the necessary training and support services. It will build and sustain an infrastructure that encourages greater participation in faculty development, support services for faculty to contribute their innovation and creativity to research. To achieve these activities, OSP will initiate the following:
- Promote greater faculty experiential engagement, as aligned with Goal P3.1, Objective P3.2 of the Strategic Plan.
- Promote greater economic development and community and industry engagement, as aligned with Goal P3.1, Objective P3.1 of the Strategic Plan.
- Provide more training and awareness for Technology Transfer/Intellectual Property and Commercialization initiatives for funded research projects, as aligned with Goal P3.1, Objective P3.1.
Heightening Institutional Effectiveness (HIE)
The scope of this project is to facilitate the continuous quality improvement of the University through the process of institutional effectiveness. Institutional effectiveness entails the gathering and analysis of data to enhance overall quality in the areas of planning, assessment, measurement of student learning outcomes, operations management, policy formation, evaluation for improvement and informed decision making. For the upcoming grant year, the goal is to establish a baseline or increase activity in several key areas. These areas are student assessment, university data usage, and studying student experiences. The LAA this activity supports is Other Activities.
Strengthening the Academic Infrastructure (SAI)
Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge (SUBR) proposes to strengthen its academic infrastructure by supporting academic units in preparation for accreditation and strengthening the knowledge, skills and professional dispositions of its faculty by immersing them in ongoing professional development. The overarching objectives of this activity are to increase the number of degree granting programs that are accredited and to increase the quality of SUBR faculty. Related objectives that are a direct outcome of accredited programs with quality faculty include an increase in student enrollment, retention rates, graduation rates, and job placement, all of which enhance the effectiveness of the institution. This proposal intends to address Legislative Allowable Activity (LAA) #3 “Support of faculty exchanges, faculty development, and faculty fellowships to assist in attaining advanced degrees in the field of instruction of the faculty” and LAA #17 “Other activities, consistent with the institution’s comprehensive plan and designed to increase the institutions capacity to prepare students for careers in the physical or natural sciences, mathematics, computer science or information technology or sciences, engineering, language instruction in the less-commonly taught languages or international affairs, or nursing or allied health professions.” Additionally, this proposal is in direct alignment with the following principles of the SUBR Strategic Plan: Priority 1 - Enhance the Academic Experience (Goal P1.1 - Ensure Quality and Accountability), Priority 2 - Strengthen Core Values (Goal P2.1v - Improve institutional quality and promote accountability) and Priority 4 - Heighten Institutional Effectiveness (Goal P4.1 - Assist academic and administrative departments in planning appropriate assessment and evaluation measurements).
Integrated Student Teaching, Advising, Retention and Learning Centers (I-STAR-LC)
Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge (SUBR) proposes to implement 6 Integrated Student Teaching, Advising, Retention and Learning Centers (I-STAR-LC) for each degree granting SUBR academic college. The overarching objective of I-STAR-LC is to increase student retention, graduation rates and preparation for workforce demands. An added benefit of the I-STAR-LCs is an institutionalized “Makerspace” populated with on-demand digitized tutorials that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. The goal of this project is to increase the competitiveness of SUBR academic operations and its graduates. The coalescing of actions (student advising, mentoring, tutoring, research, data collection and analysis) outlined later in this project will serve to enhance institutional effectiveness. The rigorous implementation of a research-based approach to student advisement and tutoring in each of the academic college’s I-STAR-LC will provide a Collaborative learning environment that is expected to generate significant improvement in student performance and achievement as supported historically by the literature (Tinto, 1995; Bean, 1982; Cabrera and Nora, 1993; Allen and Robbin, 2010). Coupling on-demand digitized student tutorials with face-to-face tutoring, then aligning it with student advisement and mentoring will advance previous technology and student success theories (Johnson and Johnson, 1990; Stanford and Crowe, 2010).
Enrollment Management (EM)
The Enrollment Management Office of Southern University and A&M College – Baton Rouge (SUBR) must frame an institutional response to the challenges and opportunities that not only recruiting but retaining the right student body present to our image, caliber of student and fiscal health. Enrollment Management is also a process that requires the collaboration and synergy among a variety of offices that include Admissions, Financial Aid and the Registrar’s Office among others. Although some believe that success depends solely on the efforts and activities of the Admissions office, others think that it is a shared responsibility throughout campus. No matter the approach taken, we can only truly be successful when we fully acknowledge and understand the vital, interrelated roles these offices play in the dynamic process of Enrollment Management.
The Freshman Academy (FA)
Southern University and A&M College in Baton Rouge (SUBR) proposes to establish a teaching and learning support system known as the Freshman Academy. The overarching objective of the Freshman Academy is to increase significantly the retention and persistence of students, in general, and of freshmen, in particular, while broadening college access to high school students. Related objectives include the increase of the competitiveness of our graduates, as measured in part with follow-up data, for a visibly enhanced institutional effectiveness. We quantify in the narrative the measurable aspects of these objectives that are in line with the Goals 1.1 and 1.2 of the Strategic Plan of SUBR. The two components of the Activity are the Learning SUpport System (L-SUS) for freshmen students taking updated and standardized freshman English and Mathematics courses, and the After School and Summer Academic Enrichment (ASAE and SAE). Upon the funding of this activity, the Learning SUpport System (L-SUS) will operate the fall and spring semesters of 2017 and 2018, respectively. It will operate similarly in subsequently years, before and after its
total institutionalization. While ASAE will operate from fall 2017 to spring 2018, the SAE will only operate for six weeks in the summer of 2018 and similarly in subsequent summers.
Student Mental Awareness Resource Tools (SMART)
National data reflecting emerging trends and concerns among college-aged students suggest they continue to show alarming numbers of students entering colleges with previous connections with a mental health professional from their communities, and that anxiety continues to be the most “predominant and increasing concern among students,” the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors (AUCCCD, 2016). This Grant proposal addresses numbers five and six of the Title III Legislative Allowable Activities specific to counseling students to assist with their successful academic matriculation. Specifically, the four major accompanying objectives address the need to provide the necessary behavioral/mental health services college students seek, as well as provide information and training to faculty and staff on identifying symptoms related but not limited to anxiety, depression, stress, self-esteem, suicidal thoughts/feelings, and family and relationship concerns presented by students and, all of which can hinder successful academic experiences.
Division of Information Technology (DoIT)
The purpose of the Information Technology Enhancements Five Year Comprehensive Plan is to leverage information technology to advance the mission of the university and to help achieve the goals identified in the University’s Strategic Plan. Consistent with Southern University Baton Rouge (SUBR) mission of providing leadership and promoting university excellence through superior services, the University activity referred herein as Division of Information Technology (DoIT) promotes an environment that integrates technology into the fabric of the institution and provides all of the University constituents with the information, tools, and services they need, when and where they need them, to accomplish their goals. The unit goals are to:
- Provide services to support the University mission through excellence in design, development, and application of information technology;
- Provide leadership and guidance in the use of information technology;
- Enable members of the University community to undertake instructional, research, administrative, and managerial tasks in an efficient and cost-effective manner; and
- Provide up-to-date technology, timely and reliable services, in a fiscally responsible manner.
Science Complex (SC)
The proposed Science Complex Project envisions a federal, state and privately funded facility that will support teaching and research, community outreach, and professional partnerships in an integrated, state-of-the-art facility. The proposed building complex would offer a unique, flexible configuration that promotes interdisciplinary collaboration, student engagement, innovation and community connections. Additionally, the project site design will implicitly strengthen the STEM degree programs and increase the number of underrepresented minorities obtaining degrees in science disciplines. The scope of this project will also include the possible demolition of the Natural Sciences Building. Title III resources will be initially utilized for building programming and design. The State of Louisiana has demonstrated recent support for construction projects that are jointly funded using state, federal and private dollars. The University will launch a capital campaign to raise construction funding while simultaneously pursuing state capital outlay funding.
This proposal intends to address Legislative Allowable Activities #9 "Establishing or improving a development office to strengthen or improve contributions from alumni and the private sector" and #13 “Establishing or improving an endowment fund”. This activity will be responsible for developing methods to seek funding from external sources and maintaining those contributions received as a result of those methods. The overall goal is to set up an Endowment fund to support scholarships for future students, as well as, assist in meeting the needs of the current academic programs. The Funds Development and Endowment office seeks to raise private gifts for the University’s Colleges and Schools. Corporate, foundation, and individual contributions will be collected to support the teaching, research and service mission of Southern University and A&M College. FDE will also work to increase community awareness.
Program Administration (PA)
Program Administration is responsible for the efficient and effective management of the Title III program according to the United States Department of Education’s policies and grant terms so that the project operates in total compliance with grant and fiscal regulations. Program Administration will be charged with monitoring and approving day-to day operations of the Title III activities as it relates to legislative compliance and fiscal matters. To facilitate the efficient operation of all Title III activities, Program Administration will take on a project management role. This new role will include the electronic routing of all Title III related actions while assuring appropriate controls, checks and balances. The Project Management role will also use project management software and tools to track implementation progress as it relates to the activity milestone calendar and budget expenditures. Program Administration will conduct formative and summative internal evaluations of all activities and activity personnel to ensure efficient and effective operations. Program Administration will also contract external evaluators to conduct formative and summative evaluations of the Title III activities. In addition, Program Administration will be responsible for all mandated and requested reporting to the United States Department of Education.
Strengthening Access and Learning Using Technology Enhancements (SALUTE)
John B. Cade Library is the center of intellectual life of Southern University. It fosters the development of information literacy and enhances connections in the academy by providing access to scholarly collections and information services. With a proven track record of completing projects on schedule and providing resources and access to information that support the entire University Community, the Library would like to expand its impact on research, teaching and learning. Project SALUTE will achieve the following: expand support of academic programs by providing information resources such as books, journals, video streaming and more for at least three (3) departments annually to improve the quality of research and meet accreditation standards; renovate spaces within the library each year that facilitate and foster innovative creative interaction, collaborative learning and exciting study space using the latest technology; and collaborate with the Freshman Academy and various departments to expand the Information Literacy(IL) program helping with research skills, retention and student overall success.
Global Engagement and Critical Languages (GECL)
The Southern University Global Engagement and Critical Languages program is designed to provide instruction in Turkish initially and in other critical languages in order to assist students with the necessary language skills for success in the university’s 2+2 program starting with universities in Turkey. The majority of our students have very little knowledge of international cultures, thus limiting their ability to compete in the global market place. The Global Engagement and Critical Languages Program will provide opportunities for students to explore and participate in other cultures which will enhance their educational growth. This project will provide instruction in Turkish and expose students to global awareness through the 2017-18 granting cycle. It is funded under Item 17 of the Title III Legislative Allowable Activities (LAA)/SAFRA.
Institutional Infrastructure (II)
The University is focused on providing a safe, state-of-the-art learning environment for its students. This activity will provide upgrades for major departments; enhancement of teaching and research laboratories and the continuation of “smart classroom” upgrades across the campus. Provision for infrastructure enhancements to support online degree development will also be included. This will be a continuous program involving planning and/or renovation of campus facilities with emphasis in upgrading ADA Accommodations to comply with Federal/State regulations. Changes would include accessible path to buildings, ramps, automatic doors including interior ramp to newly renovated areas. This activity is an on-going effort by the University to provide students with disabilities, accommodations to Learning Plazas, complement ramps, entrances/exits to access classroom buildings, for students meetings and gathering indoor/outdoor spaces and administrative areas vital for student matriculation.
Strategic Engagement (SE)
This activity will offer opportunities for students, faculty and the business community to expand their horizons. Exposure to individuals who have achieved success in their chosen career fields will guide students through the creative and entrepreneurial process. The establishment of a collaborative innovation space other than the classroom for teaching and learning can cause teaching and learning to transcend artificial boundaries; thus, the Strategic Engagement activity will emphasize the fact that education extends beyond the classroom. The goal of the activity is to create an environment that encourages student engagement in the learning process.