The program offers three specialty tracks in Assistive Technology (AT), Rehabilitation of Ethnic Minorities (REM), and Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment (VEWA). Both tracks include 9 hours of course work and 3 hours (300 clock hours) of supervised clinical internship.
Assistive Technology (AT) imparts knowledge of applications of assistive technology in the lives of individuals with disabilities. The specialization will cover various types of assistive devices, application of clinically-developed intake strategy, conducting clinical assessment for AT, and culturally competent mode of AT service delivery.
Rehabilitation Ethnic Minorities (REM) focuses on heightening student sensitivity to the transforming demographic of the country, the unique perspective and needs of consumers of diverse cultural origins; facilitate integration of knowledge and skills necessary to provide quality services as competent rehabilitation counselors; and the empirical and philosophical bases of advocacy, empowerment, and ethics.
Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment (VEWA) provides systematic training in the comprehensive process of vocational exploration and assessment; modes of selecting, administering, and interpreting evaluation instruments; development and implementation of training modules for persons with disabilities; work behavior change techniques; and strategies to maximize community integration.
Clinical Experience
One of the pre-requisites of Practicum and Internship placement is the demonstration of adequate knowledge, skills, competencies, and appropriate manners and behaviors conducive in dealing with people with significant disabilities of culturally diverse backgrounds. The master’s degree curriculum includes completion of 3 hours of practicum (100 clock hours in the summer) and 6 hours of internship (300 clock hours in the fall and 300 clock hours in the spring). The student will be eligible to embark on this uniquely insightful practical experience upon the completion of REHB 501 Introduction to Rehabilitation Counseling, REHB 510 Theories and Process of Counseling, REHB 564 Rehabilitation Assessment and Evaluation, REHB 570 Occupational Information and Vocational Analysis, REHB 580 Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Disability I, and REHB 581 Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of Disability II.
This year-long supervised clinical experience is designed to acquaint the student with the practical application of didactic knowledge and skills learned in the classroom, building counselor-client relationship, effective techniques of decision making, ways of integrating community resources to optimize the quality and level of services provided; and methods of developing professionalism and networking skills within the rehabilitation community. The majority of the time will be spent providing services to rehabilitation consumers, especially those from underserved/underserved populations.
In order to select an appropriate site, the student will be required to write a rationale describing his/her expectation from clinical experience, the preferred population, type of agency, and goals for future career enhancement. Based on this rationale, the student and the faculty supervisor will select an approved site.
During this one-year period, the student will be required to enroll in REHB 590 Practicum, REHB 591 Internship I, and REHB 592 Internship II. The student will receive supervision from an on-site professional and a faculty in charge of the course. He/she will meet with the agency supervisor for at least one to two hours per week and with the faculty supervisor for at least one hour per week. Supervision sessions will be designed to discuss about the progress made and address any concerns. It is preferable that both supervisors be Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRCs). The student will be required to maintain a daily log of activities and write reports pertaining to the experience.
The student will be evaluated twice a semester by both supervisors. However, the faulty supervisor will make the final decision about the grade. At the end of the semester, the student will have an opportunity to evaluate the agency and suggest modes of improving the quality of clinical experience in the future. The student must demonstrate professional and ethical behaviors during the clinical experience. Failing which he/she will be withdrawn from the agency and may be dismissed from the program. For further details about practicum and internships, please refer to the Practicum and Internship Manuals.