About Student Success
Center for Student Success Mission: The Center for Student Success (CSS) promotes self-efficacy and growth while providing concrete strategies and support resources to foster critical thinking and facilitation of academic success.
Center for Student Success Vision: To provide comprehensive learning support to ensure students are equipped with the necessary tools for academic success.
Main Office & Tutoring: John B. Cade Library-4th Floor
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday
Telephone: (225) 771-4345
E-Mail: studentsuccesstutoringcenter@sus.edu
Learning Centers:
SS Learning Center: John B. Cade Library-4th Floor
CSE Learning Center: Pinchback Hall (ISTAR) Room
COB Learning Center: T.T. Allain Hall Rooms 227 & 229
Testing Center: John B. Cade Library-4th Floor