Program Assessment
The Civil Engineering program uses an assessment process with the following procedure:
- The student learning outcomes are delineated, and performance indicators are developed for each of the student learning outcomes.
- Analytic rubrics are developed to assess the performance indicators for each student learning outcome.
- Class activities in selected courses are identified to determine the level of attainment of each student learning outcome.
- Various direct and indirect assessment methods are selected to determine the extent to which outcome is being attained.
- The assessment data are generated by LiveText where the percentage of students who are below, meet and exceed the threshold for each outcome performance indicator are presented. These assessment data provide information about relative strengths and weaknesses of student performance related to an outcome.
Thresholds are set for the expected level of attainment of each student learning outcome. In addition, the department receives feedback from employers, College Advisory Board, and alumni.
Frequency of Process
Summative and formative data are collected by assessing student performance in selected courses. The summative data are collected every 2-year cycle and then compared with previous 2-year cycle. Formative data are collected every year.
Expected Level of Attainment of Student Learning Outcome
The overall cyclic outcomes assessment process is illustrated in the figure below. The process starts with collecting assessment data for each outcome by using analytic rubrics to assess student performance. These data generated in LiveText may include assessed student work from selected courses, senior design project, from surveys of graduating exit survey. A threshold for performance is set where the assessment data are evaluated to determine the expected level of attainment of each outcome starting above the apprentice level.
Evaluation Results and Actions
After evaluation, assessment data that are below the threshold for performance are targeted for improvement and discussed during the annual May Action Day (last week of Spring Semester) by Assessment Coordinator, Course Coordinator, Curriculum Committee and Department Chair.
The level of attainment of the outcome is documented. For outcomes with lower levels of achievement or lack of student work, action plans for improvement are proposed during the May Action Day. The action plans are implemented throughout the 2-year cycle. There is an annual December Action Day (last week of Fall Semester) to evaluate how well the action plans have been implemented.