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Documents & Forms

Biology Program

Documents & Forms


Graduation Application Forms (undergraduate)

Important note: students that apply for graduation on a given semester and fail to graduate, must submit a new application the following semester.

Graduation applications are submitted the semester prior to the intended semester of graduation. Applications submitted in the intended semester of graduation are considered late and must be accompanied by a Late Application for Graduation form (found here) and a short letter of explanation signed by the student. 
Balance Sheets (Curriculum sheets)
Commencement Participation

Only those students who have completed all degree requirements may participate in a commencement ceremony. Students who have applied for graduation and do not complete all requirements must re-apply for graduation during the term in which they anticipate completing their remaining degree requirements. Upon completion of degree requirements, the student will be eligible to participate in the next scheduled commencement ceremony.


Master's Program

Additional information about our Graduate Program can be found here

Additional forms for Graduate Studies can be found here
