Latest News
11/15/2017 Sri Kona and Amita Shrestha successfully defended their Master's theses.
11/2/2017 The manuscript titled "RARβ2-dependent signaling represses neuronal differentiation in mouse ES cells " from the Martinez Lab has been accepted for publication in the journal Differentiation (International Society of Differentiation). Sri L.D. Kona and Amita Shrestha are the first and second authors, respectively.
5/1/2017 Dr. Xiaoping Yi was awarded a Pilot grant from the LSU INBRE Program to study the role of Resveratrol on prostate cancer cell growth.
5/1/2017 Dr. Eduardo Martinez-Ceballos and Dr. Janana Snowden (1890-Land Grant Institution, SUBR) received a grant from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture. This project seeks to examine the effect of Hibiscus plant extracts as novel anti-cancer and/or neuro-protective agents.