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  1. Freshman students that declare Biology as their Major must immediately visit the Biology office (244 Williams James Hall) to have an advisor assigned.
  2. The advisor will help the student fill the corresponding curriculum sheet and will keep a folder for the advisee in his/her office. Students are required to meet with their advisor at least once per semester and prior to registration.
  3. Students must use the catalog valid at the time when they first enrolled at Southern University, with the following exceptions: 1) Students that transferred from another University, or from another department at Southern University, must use the catalog valid at the time of the transfer. 2) Students that leave the University for over a year must use the catalog valid at the time when they re-enroll at SUBR.
  4. When majors complete 36 credit hours of course work, they will meet with their advisors to obtain a copy of their Curriculum sheet (Balance sheet). Then, students will visit Dr. Rachel Vincent-Finley, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (P.B.S. Pinchback Room 206), in order to be officially admitted into the College of Sciences and Engineering. This is a requirement for graduation. 



