Raytheon Mentoring Program

Ratheon Company places great importance on mentoring, as well as sharing knowledge and experience. Raytheon also understands the value of mentoring students by encouraging and providing resources (people and services) that will guide and influence students as grow. In an effort to provide leadership and encourage young men and women enrolled in colleges/universities to realize the importance of education as they look towards the future, the Raytheon Black Employees Network - North Texas (RAYBEN NTX) has developed a mentoring initiative specifically targeting students classified as sophmores and juniors.
The goal of RAYBEN NTX's mentoring initiative is to assign students (Mentee) pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in a field that can be utilized by Raytheon Company upon graduation such as engineering, computer science, and mathematics, a mentor (Raytheon Company employee) to provide guidance, encouragement, and share experiences regarding the path to full-time employment and how to succeed in a college environment. Each student will be provided with a $250 book stipen each semester they are active in the program.
Applicants to this program must meet the following criteria:
- Sophomore or junior classification;
- Computer Science, engineering, mathematics major;
- Cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or above;
- Active membership in sponsored campus organizations such as the National Society of Black Engineers(NSBE), Society of Women Engineers (SWE), or Association of Computing Machinery(ACM);
Click here for Application