Dr. Shizhong Yang

Dr. Shizhong Yang Professor
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Course Title
Course Number
Parallel and Distributed Computing | CMPS - 445B | TR | 8:00 AM - 9:20 AM | THURMAN 206 |
Theory of Computing | CMPS - 512B | TR | 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM | THURMAN 204 |
Supervised Research | CMPS-598B | TUESDAY | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM | THURMAN 131 |
Office Hours:
Research Interests
- High performance computation algorithm, software design
- Machine learning and artificial intelligence application on novel material design, e.g. high Tc superconductors & additive manufacturing
- Accurate reaction barrier calculation method development
- Linearly scalable ab initio molecular dynamics method and code development
- Computational physics: physisorption and chemisorption
- GW and quantum Monte-Carlo method and application in material simulation
- High temperature Cr and Nb based alloy oxidation and TBC study
- ODS alloy and dislocation creep study
- High entropy alloy design, synthesis, property study, and validation
- High pressure synchrotron radiation XRD, EXAFS, and XANES nano material study
- High temperature sulphur corrosion resistance material design and validation
- Electronic structure and optical properties of doped ZrO2 and Al2O3/ZrO2
- Ab initio plane wave and full potential material simulation: doped C 60, graphene, and CNT
- High speed optical network study: CRON and GENI projects
- STM, SEM, AFM, XPS, ESR, DLTS material testing
- Raman and FT-IR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction
- High temperature superconductor, AC loss testing, and control
- Semiconductor material properties and devices
- Protein structure prediction and interaction of gK and UL20
- EBV gH-gL/integrins and prefusion gB/gH-gL and HSV-1 gK, gB, and gH-gL docking and interaction
- Apocynin, nitroapocynin, and diapocynin/p47phox docking and MD study
- Ph. D., Electrical Computer Engineering & Physics, University of Missouri - Kansas City, 2006
Research and Professional Experience
- Professor, Southern University, July 2023 -- present
- Assistant Professor, Southern University, June 2017 -- June 2023
- Assistant Professor, Southern University, June 2018 -- May 2017
- Visiting Faculty, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Louisiana State University, January 2013 -- present
- Assistant Professor, Physics Department, Southern University, August 2007 -- May 2008
- Postdoc on NSF and NASA supported molecular dynamics nano-material simulation simulation, Physics Department, Southern University, August 2006 --- July 2007
- Research Assistant, University of Missouri, January 2000 -- July 2006
- Faculty, Northeastern University, July 1997--December 1999
- Research Assistant, Sichuan University, September 1994 -- June 1997
- Electronic Engineer, Ganzhou No. 852 Radio Station, July 1988 -- August 1994
- C. Zhang, B. Yue, U. Bhandari, O. Starovoytov, Y. Yang, D. Young, J. Yan, F. Hong, and S. Yang, In situ study on the compression deformation of MoNbTaVW, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 871 159557 (2021).
- U. Bhandari, C. Zhang, C. Zeng, S. Guo, A. Adhikari, and S. Yang, Deep learning-based hardness prediction of novel refractory high-entropy alloys with experimental validation, CRYSTALS 26 101871 (2021).
- U. Bhandari, M. R. Rafi, C. Zhang, and S. Yang, Yield strength prediction of high-entropy alloys using machine learning, MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS 11 46 (2021).
- C. Zhang, U. Bhandari, C. Zeng, H. Ding, S. Guo, J. Yan, and S. Yang, Carbide formation in refractory Mo15Nb20Re15Ta30W20 alloy under a combined high-pressure and high-temperature condition, ENTROPY 22 718 (2021).
- U. Bhandari, C. Zhang, C. Zeng, S. Guo, and S. Yang, Computational and experimental investigation of refractory high entropy alloy Mo15Nb20Re15Ta30W20, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY 9 8929 (2020).
- U. Bhandari, C. Zhang, S. Guo, and S. Yang, First-principles study on mechanical and thermodynamic properties of MoNbTaTiW, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINERALS, METALLURGY, AND MATERIALS, 27 1398 (2020).
- U. Bhandari, C. Zhang, and S. Yang, Mechanical and thermal properties of low-density Al20+xCr20-xMo20-yTi20V20+y alloys, CRYSTALS 10 278 (2020).
- C. Guo, Y. Yang, L. Tan, S. Guo, B. Chen, J. Yan, and S. Yang, Unexpected pressure induced ductileness tuning in sulfur-doped polycrystalline nickel metal, AIP ADVANCES 8 025216 (2018).
- Y. Mo, J. M. Perez, Z. Ye, L. Zhao, S. Yang, L. Tan, Z. Li, F. Gao, and G. L. Zhao, Effects of light on the resistivity of chemical vapor deposited graphene films, AIMS MATERIALS SCIENCE 3 1426 (2016).
- M. C. Gao, B. Zhang, S. Yang, and S. M. Guo, Senary refractory high entropy alloy HfNbTaTiVZr, MATALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A 47 3333 (2016).
- B. Zhang, M. C. Gao, Y. Zhang, S. Yang, and S. M. Guo, Senary refractory high entropy alloy MoNbTaTiVW, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 31 1207 (2015).
- O. Starovoytov, Y. Liu, L. Tan, and S. Yang, Effects of the hydroxyl group on the phenyl-based ligand/ERRr protein binding, CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN TOXICOLOGY 27 1371 (2014).
- F. Gao, G.L. Zhao, and S. Yang, Catalytic reactions on the open-edge site of nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes as cathode catalyst for hydrogen fuel cells, ACS CATALYST 4 1267 (2014).
- B. Chen, K. Lutker, J. Lei, J. Yan, S. Yang, and H.K. Mao, Detecting grain rotation at the nanoscale, PNAS 111 3350 (2014).
- M. H. Habibi, S. Yang, and S. Guo, Phase stability and hot corrosion behavior of ZrO2 -Ta2O5 compound in Na2SO4 -V2O5 mixtures at elevated temperatures, CERAMIC INTERNATIONAL 40 4077 (2014).
- J. Lei, B. Chen, S. Guo, K. Wang, L. Tan, E. Khosravi, J. Yuan, S. V. Raju, and S. Yang, Structural and mechanical stability of dilute yttrium doped chromium, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 102 021901 (2013).
- L. Tan and S. Yang, First-principles calculation of Nb 2 AlC/Nb interfaces, JOM, 65 326 (2013).
- F. Gao, G.L. Zhao, S. Yang, and J. L. Spivey, Nitrogen-doped fullerene as a potential catalyst for hydrogen fuel cells, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 135 3315 (2013).
- R. Guo, S. Yang, E. Khosravi, G.L. Zhao, and D. Bagayoko, First principles simulation on the K0.8Fe2Se2 high-temperature structural superconductor, PHYSICA C 493 55 (2013).
- L. Tan, R. Guo, S. Yang, E. Khosravi, G.L. Zhao, and D. Bagayoko, Electronic structure of K 0.8 Fe 2 Se 2 from density functional theory GW method simulation, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B 27 1362017 (2013).
- B. Chen, S. V. Raju, J. Yuan, W. Kanitpanyacharon, J. Lei, S. Yang, H. R. Wenk, H.K. Mao, and Q. C. Williams, Texture of nanocrystalline nickel: probing the lower size limit of dislocation activity, SCIENCE 338 1448 (2012).
- S. Yang, G.L. Zhao, and E. Khosravi, Dioxygen adsorption and dissociation on nitrogen doped carbon nanotubes from first principles simulation, INTECH, Chapter 2, pp 27 ~ 36, 2011.
- W. Yin, D. Esposito, S. Yang, C. Ni, J. Chen, G.L. Zhao, Z. Zhang, C. Hu , M. Cao, and B. Wei, Controlling novel red-light emissions by doping In2O3nano/microstructures with interstitial nitrogen, JOURAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 114 13234 (2010).
- S. Yang, G.L. Zhao, and E. Khosravi, First principles studies of nitrogen doped carbon nanotubes for dioxygen reduction, JOURAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 114 3371 (2010).
- S. Yang, G.L. Zhao, and J. M. Phillips, The electronic structures of commensurate Ru(0001)-(3 x 3)-4Kr and Ru(0001)-(5 x 5)-Kr using density functional theory, SURFACE SCIENCE 604 1022 (2010).
- S. Yang, S. Guo, S. Bai, E. Khosravi, G. Zhao, and D. Bagayoko, Doped C 60 study from first principles simulation, JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM 23 877 (2010).
- W. Wang, Z. Wang, J. Tang, S. Yang, H. Jin, G. L. Zhao, and Q. Li, Seebeck coefficient and thermal conductivity in doped C60, JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE SUSTAINABLE ENERGY 1 023104 (2009).
- G.L. Zhao, S. Yang, D. Bagayoko, J. Tang, and Z.J. Wang, Electronic structure of C 60 semiconductors under controlled doping with B, N, and Co atoms, DIAMOND & RELATED MATERIALS 17 749 (2008).
- S. Yang and James M. Phillips, Geometric and electronic structure of commensurate 4Ar/Ag(111)-( √7x√7)R19.1° by density functional theory, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 75 235408 (2007).
- S. Yang, J. M. Phillips, and L. Ouyang, Density functional calculation of the geometric and electronic structure of a (1x1) and (1x3) supported gold system: Au/TiO 3 /Mo(112), PHYSICAL REVIEW B 74 245424 (2006).
- S. Yang, L. Ouyang, J. M. Phillips, and W. Y. Ching, Density-functional calculation of methane adsorption on graphite(0001), PHYSICAL REVIEW B 73 165407 (2006).
- S. Yang, F. M. Leibsle, and J. M. Phillips, Quantum chemical calculations of coupled vibrations of adsorbates: A comparative study of CO/Cu(110) and O/diamond (100)system, SURFACE SCIENCE 579 107 (2005).
- Y. Liao, S. Yang, Z. Chen, and Z. You, Study on VF ~ Trr tradeoff of Palladium doped fast recovery silicon diode, JOURNAL OF SICHUAN UNIVERSITY 40 74 (2003).
- L. Hu, L. Zhou, J. Wang, P. Zhang, C. Li, S. Yang, Y. He, and J. Li, AC loss of Bi2223/Ag superconducting tape measured by transport current method, RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING 30 169 (2001).
- S. Yang, Y. He, C. Lu, J. Li, J. Sun, J. Wang, P. Zhang, C. Li, Y. Feng, L. Zhou, W. Lin, Y. Zhou, H. Deng, P. Hua, and G. Yuan, The AC loss of transport current in (Bi, Pb)-2223 superconducting tapes, PHYSICA C 337 213 (2000).
- Z. Li, S. Yang, J. Sun, X. Huang, J. Wang, Z. Duan, P. Zhang, Y. Feng, and L. Zhou, Effects of axial tensile and bending strains on the critical current of Bi-2223, PHYSICA C 337 150 (2000).
- J. Wang, S. Yang, Y. He, C. Yang, Z. Duan, Y. Feng, P. Zhang, and L. Zhou, Study on AC loss of high Tc superconductors in 50 Hz applied magnetic field, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 48 148 (1999).
- J. Li, J. Wang, Y. He, S. Yang, J. Sun, Y. Wanf, and C. Lu, The calculation of HTS current limiter with a saturated iron core, CRYOGENICS AND SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 27 32 (1999).
- J. Wang, S. Yang, Y. He, L. Hu, Z. Duan, P. Zhang, and L. Zhou, The effects of Pb-doping and different process on AC loss of Bi2223/Ag tapes, MT-15, Science Press, 1086 (1997).
- Y. He, S. Yang, C. Yang, J. Wang, Y. Feng, P. Zhang, and L. Zhou, Study on AC loss of YBa2Cu3-xSnxOy superconductor, MT-15, Science Press, 1102 (1997).