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Scholarship Opportunities

Discover scholarships designed to support your academic and leadership journey with the Southern University Naval ROTC Unit. Click each scholarship to learn more about its benefits and requirements.

National Scholarship

This full-tuition scholarship is available to high school seniors seeking a commission in the U.S. Navy or Marine Corps. It covers:


  • Full tuition (or room and board up to $11,500)
  • Fees for textbooks, uniforms, and lab equipment
  • A monthly stipend for personal expenses
  • Summer Cruise Experience


  • U.S. citizenship, or those in the process of becoming Naturalized U.S. Citizens.
  • Persons not less than 17 years old and not yet 23 by September 1 of the year starting college.
  • Persons with no criminal record of military or civilian offenses pending or federal convictions.
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2 & 3 Year Scholarship

The NROTC 2- and 3-Year Scholarships provide college students with the opportunity to complete their undergraduate education while preparing to serve as officers in the United States Navy or Marine Corps. These scholarships cover tuition and other benefits, preparing students for commissioning as naval officers upon graduation.

  • Full tuition (or room and board up to $11,500)
  • Fees for textbooks, uniforms, and lab equipment
  • A monthly stipend for personal expenses
  • Summer Cruise Experience


  • Enrollment at an NROTC Affiliated School
  • Academic Standing: Between 30 and 120 college semester hours (45 to 180 quarter hours).
  • Must be under 27 by December 31 of the year of commissioning (age waivers up to 30 available for prior military service).
  • Must meet Navy or Marine Corps physical fitness standards and pass a medical examination.
  • Must be a U.S. citizen or in the process of obtaining citizenship
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Naval ROTC Preparatory Program Scholarship (NPP)

NROTC Preparatory Scholarships allow interested high school students, who show great potential via grades, character, and extra-curricular activities but might lack standardized test scores or advanced high school courses, to apply for one-year university, or privately funded scholarships. University NROTC Prep programs are designed to provide students the educational foundation necessary for success in the NROTC program and Navy. Benefits include:

Upon completing the preparatory year, the Navy NROTC scholarship will be activated, providing the same benefits as a regular scholarship recipient.


  • Full tuition (or room and board up to $11,500)
  • Fees for textbooks, uniforms, and lab equipment
  • A monthly stipend for personal expenses
  • Summer Cruise Experience


  • U.S. citizenship, or those in the process of becoming Naturalized U.S. Citizens.
  • Persons not less than 17 years old and not yet 23 by September 1 of the year starting college.
  • Persons with no criminal record of military or civilian offenses pending or federal convictions.


(i.e. Jan 31st, 2024 for intended attendance date of Fall 2024)

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College Programmer

The NROTC College Program is designed for students already attending or accepted by colleges with NROTC units. While this program does not cover tuition, books, or general fees, it does provide funding for uniforms and instructional fees for naval science courses. Students in the College Program can apply for Advanced Standing, typically starting in their junior year. Advanced Standing provides a monthly stipend—$350 during the junior year and $400 during the senior year—for up to 20 months. Upon graduation, these students will be commissioned as Ensigns in the Navy.

Marine Corps College Program students must secure a sideload scholarship to remain in the NROTC program for their junior and senior years. For more information about the NROTC College Program or Advanced Standing, please contact one of the LT instructors listed under the Staff tab.

Helpful Resources

Don't forget to schedule your Officer Interview once you have submitted all your materials to the current Surface Warfare Officer and to

The Officer Interview Form will be used to conduct the scholarship interview. All candidates should review the form and prepare questions prior to conducting the interview.