- Visit the Bluff
- Apply for Admissions
- Enrollment Steps
- Out of State Fee Waiver
- Admissions Document Upload
- Undergraduate Admissions Requirements
- International Student Admissions Requirements
- International Student Visa Requirements
- Honors Admissions
- Transfer Student Admissions
- Adult Student Admissions
- Graduate Student Admissions
- Readmission
- Residency Requirements
- Meet Your Recruiter
- Jag Parent Portal
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- Inquiry Form
Quick Guide to becoming a Jaguar
Steps to becoming a Jaguar:
For more information, click the blue bar to expand each section.
Apply for admissions
- Apply Here: Admissions Application
- Submit your current high school transcript, 12th Grade Schedule, and ACT/SAT scores electronically via email at admissions@subr.edu
Submit Missing Documents
New First Time Student Applicants:
Please email missing documents (high school transcripts and 12th grade schedule) to admissions@subr.edu. Only PDF's will be accepted. All other file types will be rejected.
Your official score report should be requested from the ACT and/or SAT website if you did not select Southern University to receive your score when you registered. Please ensure that you select our school code ACT (1610)/SAT (6663). You will not be able to get a course schedule without official test scores on file.
Official Transcripts:
New First Time Students: Offical final transcripts must be received directly from your High School in order to be fully admitted. High schools may submit electronically, via email at admissions@subr.edu, electronically through Parchment, or via mail in a sealed unopened envelope to:
Southern University and A & M College
Admissions and Recruitment
P.O. Box 9231
Baton Rouge, LA 70813
Documents are being processed daily. You may still receive missing document communications during this time. It is not necessary to resubmit your documents.
Shot Records:
All accepted students must satisfy immunization and Covid vaccination requirements or exemptions.
- Log in to Med+Proctor using your SUS student email address and password, select "Account" and create a profile by completing all required information.
- Download the immunization certificate from Med+Proctor for immunization verification requirements, and follow the steps to complete and submit.
- Connect with Med+Proctor to help you through the process via online chat, knowledgebase or by submitting questions.
- Please allow 2-3 business days for processing and verification of all immunization documents after submission.
- Be sure to check your SUS student email for all verification updates from Med+Proctor.
Transfers: Transcripts should come from your school’s registrar. If a paper transcript is submitted, the document must be in a sealed, unopened envelope provided by your school’s registrar. Transcripts can be sent electronically if this option is made available by your registrar, or you can have them mailed to our office.
After Acceptance
Congratulations! You've been admitted! Next steps:
Let us know you plan to attend! Complete your intent to enroll form.
**Use your SUS email and password to login to complete the form below. Usually it's firstname.lastname@sus.edu and password. The password should be first four characters of last name and last four digits of U number (example: Lacumba Smith U012345678 would be smit5678). If that doesn't work, you can try resetting it here. Otherwise, you can contact our IT helpdesk Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm at (225)771-3935**
Great news!! You may qualify for an Out-of-State Fee Waiver.
To learn more, click here!
Log into your Self-Service Banner
- Log on to www.subr.edu
- Under Students, click the Self-Service Banner link
- Select Banner 8 Self-Service
- There are two ways to login: click either "Enter Secure Area with MySULogin" or the option to use “U” number and PIN
- Enter your User ID: (SUS Email for MySULogin) or (U Number)
- Enter your MySULogin Password or PIN:
- For first time MySULogin users, the password is first four charaters of your last name (lowercase) and last four digits of your U number (ex. smit1234)
- For first time users the PIN is your 6 digit date of birth (MMDDYY). Example: Date of Birth: April 01, 1988 Pin:040188.
- Select Login
Banner provides complete access to:
- View outstanding financial aid requirements
- Accept offered financial aid
- Register for classes (new students are registered by an academic advisor)
- Pay your bill
- Check your grades
Apply for Financial Aid
Step 1: Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application to allow financial aid to determine which types of aid yoiu qualify for. Southern University and A & M College's Code is 002025.
Step 2: To obtain a Personal Identification Number (PIN), go to www.pin.ed.gov
Step 3: Review your Student Aid Report (SAR). If your SAR is rejected, requires correction or you are selected for a process called verification, you should read and take the appropriate action.
Step 4: Respond Immediately to Requests for Information from the Financial Aid Office. Once the Office of Student Financial Aid receives your SAR, we will forward to your SUBR email account a "Missing information" email account outlining any additional information the office may require to complete your application.
Step 5: Visit the Financial Aid Homepage to learn more about scholarships, tuition and fees, types of aid and more.
Step 6: Log into Self-Service Banner to review and accept your Financial Aid Terms & Conditions as well as your awards.
Apply for housing
Please note that the housing application closes on May 15th. Housing is limited and not guaranteed. Early application is highly encouraged.
Step 1: Visit the Residence Life and Housing website to view on-campus housing options and policies.
Step 2: Complete the housing application online. You will need your SUS email address and password to apply. Please check your personal email address used when submitting your admission application for this information. If you need assistance, please contact the helpdesk at (225)771-3935.
Tip: Applying early increases your chance of getting a housing placement including your preferred hall and roommate.
Register for New Student Orientation
Step 1: Review the dates for your New Student Orientation session. Please register for the correct session for the semester you have been admitted (Spring, Summer or Fall 2022).
Step 2: If you were admitted without ACT or SAT scores, please submit your official scores to admissions from the ACT or SAT website using our school code ACT (1610) and SAT (6663). You will not be able to get a course schedule until you have taken the Accuplacer.
Step 3: Attend and meet the professional staff who will guide you to college graduation. You’ll meet with your academic advisor, register for classes, and get your SUBR student ID card and parking pass. You’ll also get to know your new college home, meet new people, and have fun!
Note: Orientation is required for new first time students and transfers.
Academic Advising and Registration
New Freshmen and Transfers with under 60 hours:First Year students and First Time Transfer students who have earned less than 61 credit hours are advised by University College (UC) Academic Advisors. Students must register for New Student Orientation first and will contacted by their respective Academic Advisor to verify intended major. Visit the University College Website for more information about advising or to meet your UC Academic Advisor.
***Please note: If you were admitted without ACT or SAT scores, please submit your test scores to admissions for course placement. You will not be able to get a course schedule until you have submitted your ACT/SAT scores.
New Transfer Students with 31+ hours:
If you are a new transfer student, you are still required to register for New Student Orientation to learn about campus resources that are offered to you. You are also encouraged to contact your Faculty Advisor, Dean or Chairperson for academic advisement. The goal is to graduate within four years! You can find your Dean and Department Chair Information Here.
Pay your bill and complete your registration process
View your account balance in Banner to pay in full or set up an installment plan. Even if your financial aid covers your full balance, you must log into Banner to complete the enrollment process.
Your registration is NOT completed until you see the green message in Banner confirming "You have completed the registration process."
Follow these instructions for paying fees online and completing the registration process.
Tip: Pay before the deadline so you won’t be dropped from your classes.