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Student Links


Student Links 

Click here to log into CANVAS

Those who are first time users of Password Station; before attempting to change your password please be sure that you are enrolled.

If you are a returning user and have forgotten your password, please contact the IT Help Desk at 225-771-(HELP) 4357.

IT Help (Password Resets)

For students needing assistance with accessing the Canvas Support learning management platform.

For information regarding Transcript Requests | Southern University and A&M College (

Transcript requests can be processed HERE

Dual Enrollment students enrolled in Freshman Composition 101 and 102 have access to SUBR's Writing Den as a tutoring services, correlating with the English department’s efforts to expand and promote the importance of writing

Counselor Corner



Both new and returning participants to the Dual Enrollment program will be included on your school’s registration worksheet. Please be sure that all requested fields are completed before submitting to the Office of Pre-College and Outreach Programs. 

Registration Worksheet


For resources regarding baseline measurements:

Southern University's Campus offers Accuplacer Testing or you can vistit for more information regarding test requirements and dates.
Please be advised that Dual Enrollment abides by all university policies regarding withdrawal fro mthe program. When requesting for a student to be withdrawn from a course, please be sure that the form below is completed and that they have signed the Signature Line. All other signatures will be obtained by the Office of Pre-College and Outreach Programs

Withdrawal/Drop Request

For information regarding SCA and SCA Funding, please visit LACourses.Net

For assistance with Course Choice, please send an e-mail to

Please see the ARTRICULATION MATRIX for Course Equilivancies for JCampus

Academic Calendar

The Dual Enrollment Program follows the University's Academic Calendar:

Academic Calendar | Southern University and A&M College

If any additional dates, deadlines, or reminders are needed-- emails will be sent to your school's liaison, counselor, or course facilitator.

Board of Regents & LDOE

Board of Regents is the public higher education coordinating board for the state of Louisiana. This board governs all public postsecondary institutions in Louisiana. The Board of Regents promotes accessibility and equal opportunity of higher education in Louisiana for all students.

For updated BOR policies regarding Dual Enrollment visit


Please see BOR Artriculation Matrix click here

Please see LDOE Master Course Code List for J Campus click here


Board of Regents Dual Enrollment questions related to the post-secondary institution:


Southern University and A&M College Course Listing

Dual Enrollment Portal Louisiana Dual Enrollment (

Louisiana Department of Education Dual Enrollment (

Dual enrollment questions related to the high school or school district:


Louisiana Dual Enrollment 2022 Annual Report