Office of Residency
Residency Louisiana Board of Elementary Education’s Bulleting 996: Standards for Approval of Teacher Preparation and/or Educational Leader Preparation Programs states that all Traditional Teacher Preparation Programs must have candidates complete a One-Year Residency in a public or approved non-public school classroom in the certification area with a teacher of record who holds a valid level 1, 2, 3, type A, or type B teaching certificate in the area for which the candidate is pursuing certification. For certification in B-K, PK-3, 1-5, or 1-5 integrated to merged, candidates must spend a minimum of 80 percent of the residency school site’s instructional time each week engaged in residency activities. For certification in K-12, 4-8, 6-12, 4-8 integrated to merged or 6-12 integrated to merged, candidates must spend a minimum of 60 percent of the residency school site’s instructional time each week in the first semester and 80 percent of the residency school site’s instructional time each week in the second semester engaged in residency activities. Teacher preparation providers may seek approval to offer an innovative residency model that does not meet the minimum instructional time requirements but meets a specific workforce need and includes high-quality clinical experiences throughout the program and intensive clinical experiences throughout the residency year.” |
Year Long Residency Requirements are effective for all candidates who did not complete coursework prior to January 1, 2018:
The following are deadline dates for approved traditional teacher preparation programs that meet requirements described in this Subchapter:
by no later than January 1, 2018—last date for candidates to be formally admitted into for traditional teacher preparation programs that were approved prior to October 1, 2016 and enroll in coursework during the 2017-2018 academic year.
For more information about the Louisiana teacher residency, visit